1 M.P. Bradley, J.V. Porto, S.. Rainville, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard, Physical Review Letters 83, (1999).
S. Rainville
First name
Last name
1 S.. Rainville, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard, Science 303, (2004).
1 J.K. Thompson, S.. Rainville, and D.E. Pritchard, Nature 430, (2004).
1 S.. Rainville, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard, in Unknown (IEEE, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, 2003).
1 S.. Rainville, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard, in Unknown (Springer, New York, 2003).
1 S.. Rainville, M.P. Bradley, J.V. Porto, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard, Hyperfine Interactions 132, (2001).
1 D.E. Pritchard, M.P. Bradley, J.V. Porto, S.. Rainville, and J.K. Thompson, in Unknown (AIP, Florence, Itlay, 2001).