1 P.D.D. Schwindt, Magnetic Traps and Guides for Bose-Einstein Condensates on an Atom Chip: Progress Toward a Coherent Atom Waveguide Beamsplitter, 2003.
P. Schwindt
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D. D.
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1 D.. Müller, D.Z. Anderson, R.. Grow, P.D.D. Schwindt, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 83, (1999).
1 P.D.D. Schwindt, E.A. Cornell, T.. Kishimoto, Y.-J.. Wang, and D.Z. Anderson, Physical Review A 72, (2005).
1 D.. Müller, E.A. Cornell, M.. Prevedelli, P.D.D. Schwindt, Y.-J.. Wang, and D.Z. Anderson, Physical Review A 63, (2001).
1 D.. Müller, E.A. Cornell, M.. Prevedelli, P.D.D. Schwindt, A.A. Zozulya, and D.Z. Anderson, Optics Letters 25, (2000).