1 J.I. Cirac, R.. Blatt, A.S. Parkins, and P.. Zoller, (1993).
R. Blatt
First name
Last name
1 J.I. Cirac, R.. Blatt, A.S. Parkins, and P.. Zoller, (1994).
1 M.. Mamaev, R.. Blatt, J.. Ye, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review Letters 122, (2019).
1 T.. Sauter, W.. Neuhauser, R.. Blatt, and P.E. Toschek, Physical Review Letters 57, (1986).
1 R.. Blatt, W.. Ertmer, P.. Zoller, and J.L. Hall, Physical Review A 34, (1986).
1 W.. Ertmer, R.. Blatt, J.L. Hall, and M.. Zhu, Physical Review Letters 54, (1985).
1 W.. Ertmer, R.. Blatt, and J.L. Hall, Progress in Quantum Electronics 8, (1984).
1 W.. Ertmer, R.. Blatt, and J.L. Hall, in (NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, 1983).
1 R.. Blatt, W.. Ertmer, and J.L. Hall, in (NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, 1983).
1 W.. Ertmer, R.. Blatt, and J.L. Hall, in (NBS, Gaithersburg, MD, 1983).