1 J.T. Farrell Jr., and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 105, (1996).
J. Farrell Jr.
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1 S.. Davis, D.Z. Anderson, J.T. Farrell Jr., and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 104, (1996).
1 J.T. Farrell Jr., M.A. Suhm, and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 104, (1996).
1 J.T. Farrell Jr., S.. Davis, and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 103, (1995).
1 J.T. Farrell Jr., High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Van Der Waals and Hydrogen Bonded Clusters: Pairwaise and Nonpairwise Additive Intermolecular Forces in ArnHF DF and (HF)n Complexes, University of Colorado Boulder, 1995.
1 S.. Davis, J.T. Farrell Jr., D.Z. Anderson, and D.J. Nesbitt, Chemical Physics Letters 246, (1995).
1 D.J. Nesbitt, T.G. Lindeman, J.T. Farrell Jr., and C.M. Lovejoy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 100, (1994).
1 E.. Riedle, S.H. Ashworth, J.T. Farrell Jr., and D.J. Nesbitt, Review of Scientific Instruments 65, (1994).
1 J.T. Farrell Jr., O.. Sneh, and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98, (1994).
1 M.A. Suhm, J.T. Farrell Jr., S.H. Ashworth, and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 98, (1993).