R. Rosner

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Bookbinder J.A., L. Golub, and R. Rosner, in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1986), pp. 97-99.
Giampapa M.S., L. Golub, R. Rosner, G.S. Vaiana, J.L. Linsky, and S.P. Worden, in (1982).
Pallavicini R., L. Golub, R. Rosner, G.S. Vaiana, T.R. Ayres, and J.L. Linsky, The Astrophysical Journal 248, 279-290 (1981).
Vaiana G.S., G. Fabbiano, R. Giacconi, L. Golub, P. Gorenstein, F.R. Harnden Jr., J.P. Cassinelli, B.M. Haisch, H.M. Johnson, J.L. Linsky, and C.W. Maxson, The Astrophysical Journal 245, 163-182 (1981).
Ayres T.R., J.L. Linsky, G.S. Vaiana, L. Golub, and R. Rosner, The Astrophysical Journal 250, 293 (1981).
Haisch B.M., F.R. Harnden Jr., F.D. Seward, G.S. Vaiana, J.L. Linsky, and R. Rosner, The Astrophysical Journal 242, L99 (1980).
Maggio A., G.S. Vaiana, B.M. Haisch, R.A. Stern, J.A. Bookbinder, F.R. Harnden Jr., and R. Rosner, The Astrophysical Journal 348, 253 (1990).