Alan Gallagher

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Lin G.-H., J. Doyle, M. He, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal Of Applied Physics 64, 188 (1988).
Kelly J., M. Harris, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 38, 1225-1229 (1988).
Kelly J., M. Harris, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 37, 2354-2360 (1988).
Robertson R.M., and A.C. Gallagher, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 86, 3059 (1987).
Harris M., J. Kelly, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 36, 1512-1514 (1987).
Gallagher A.C., in (Hampton, VA, A. Deepak Publishing, Williamsburg, Va, 1987).
Kelly J., and A.C. Gallagher, Review Of Scientific Instruments 58, 563 (1987).
Gallagher A.C., and J. Scott, Solar Cells 21, 147-152 (1987).
Gallagher A.C., International Journal Of Solar Energy 5, 311-322 (1987).
Robertson R.M., and A.C. Gallagher, The Journal Of Chemical Physics 85, 3623 (1986).