1 A.. Shankar, E.. Jordan, K.. Gilmore, A.. Safavi-Naini, J.J. Bollinger, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 99, (2019).
John Bollinger
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1 E.. Jordan, K.. Gilmore, A.. Shankar, A.. Safavi-Naini, J.G. Bohnet, M.J. Holland, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 122, (2019).
1 A.. Safavi-Naini, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.G. Bohnet, M.. Gärttner, K.. Gilmore, J.E. Jordan, J.. Cohn, J.K. Freericks, A.M.. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 121, (2018).
1 J.. Cohn, A.. Safavi-Naini, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.G. Bohnet, M.. Gärttner, K.. Gilmore, J.E. Jordan, A.M.. Rey, J.J. Bollinger, and J.K. Freericks, New Journal of Physics 20, (2018).
1 A.. Shankar, J.. Cooper, J.G. Bohnet, J.J. Bollinger, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 95, (2017).
1 M.. Gärttner, J.G. Bohnet, A.. Safavi-Naini, M.L. Wall, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, Nature Physics 13739, (2017).
1 J.G. Bohnet, B.C. Sawyer, J.W. Britton, M.L. Wall, A.M.. Rey, M.. Foss-Feig, and J.J. Bollinger, Science 352, (2016).
1 M.. Foss-Feig, K.R.A. Hazzard, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review A 87, (2013).
1 M.. Foss-Feig, K.R.A. Hazzard, J.J. Bollinger, A.M.. Rey, and C.W. Clark, New Journal of Physics 15, (2013).
1 H.. Uys, M.. Biercuk, A.. VanDevender, C.. Ospelkaus, D.. Meiser, R.. Ozeri, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 105, (2010).