1 A.. Cao, W.. Eckner, T.. Yelin, A.. Young, S.. Jandura, L.. Yan, K.. Kim, G.. Pupillo, J.. Ye, N.D. Oppong, and A.M. Kaufman, Submitted (2024).
Guido Pupillo
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1 J.. Schachenmayer, C.. Genes, E.. Tignone, and G.. Pupillo, Physical Review Letters 114, (2015).
1 E.. Orgiu, J.. George, J.A. Hutchison, E.. Devaux, J.F. Dayen, B.. Doudin, F.. Stellacci, C.. Genet, J.. Schachenmayer, C.. Genes, G.. Pupillo, P.. Samorì, and T.W. Ebbesen, Nature Materials 14, (2015).