1 M.-G.. Hu, Bose Polarons and Rotating Gases in an Ultracold Bose-Fermi Gas Mixture of 40K and 87Rb Atoms, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
M.-G. Hu
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1 M.-G.. Hu, M.J. Van de Graaff, D.. Kedar, J.P. Corson, E.A. Cornell, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 117, (2016).
1 M.-G.. Hu, R.S. Bloom, D.S. Jin, and J.M. Goldwin, Physical Review A 90, (2014).
1 R.S. Bloom, M.-G.. Hu, T.D. Cumby, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 111, (2013).
1 T.D. Cumby, R.A. Shewmon, M.-G.. Hu, J.D. Perreault, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review A 87, (2013).