Matthew Bull

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1 J.K. Faulk, D.T. Edwards, M.S. Bull, and T.T. Perkins, in Methods in Enzymology, Single-Molecule Enzymology: Nanomechanical Manipulation and Hybrid Methods (Elsevier, 2017), pp. 321–351.
1 R.. Walder, H.. Paik, M.S. Bull, C.. Sauer, and T.T. Perkins, Optics Express 23, (2015).
1 D.T. Edwards, J.K. Faulk, A.W. Sanders, M.S. Bull, R.. Walder, M.-A.. LeBlanc, M.C. Sousa, and T.T. Perkins, Nano Letters (2015).
1 M.S. Bull, R.M.A. Sullan, H.. Li, and T.T. Perkins, ACS Nano 8, (2014).
1 R.K. Montange, M.S. Bull, E.. Shanblatt, and T.T. Perkins, Optics Express 21, (2013).
1 R.M.A. Sullan, A.B. Churnside, D.M. Nguyen, M.S. Bull, and T.T. Perkins, Methods 60, (2013).
1 A.B. Churnside, R.M.A. Sullan, D.M. Nguyen, S.O. Case, M.S. Bull, G.M. King, and T.T. Perkins, Nano Letters 12, (2012).
1 P.H. Sneddon, M.S. Bull, G.. Cagnoli, D.R.M. Crooks, E.J. Elliffe, J.E. Faller, M.M. Fejer, J.. Hough, and S.. Rowan, Classical and Quantum Gravity 20, (2003).