1 J.E. Williams, R.. Walser, J.. Cooper, E.A. Cornell, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 59, (1999).
R. Walser
First name
Last name
1 R.. Walser, J.E. Williams, J.. Cooper, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 59, (1999).
1 J.E. Williams, R.. Walser, C.E. Wieman, J.. Cooper, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 57, (1998).
1 R.. Walser, Physical Review Letters 79, (1997).
1 S.. Marksteiner, R.. Walser, P.. Marte, and P.. Zoller, Applied Physics B Laser and Optics 60, (1995).
1 R.. Walser, J.. Cooper, and P.. Zoller, Physical Review A 50, (1994).
1 R.. Walser, and P.. Zoller, Physical Review A 49, (1994).
1 D.H. McIntyre, C.E. Fairchild, J.. Cooper, and R.. Walser, Optics Letters 18, (1993).
1 R.. Walser, H.. Ritsch, P.. Zoller, and J.. Cooper, Physical Review A 45, (1992).
1 S.. Kokkelmans, M.J. Holland, R.. Walser, and M.. Chiofalo, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Snowbird, Utah, USASingapore, 2002).