Juri Toomre

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Siegel A., J.B. Weiss, J. Toomre, J.C. McWilliams, P.S. Berloff, and I. Yavneh, Geophysical Research Letters 28, 3183-3186 (2001).
Hindman B., D.A. Haber, J. Toomre, and R.S. Bogart, in Unknown (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001).
Miesch M.S., J.R. Elliott, J. Toomre, T.L. Clune, G.A. Glatzmaier, and P.A. Gilman, The Astrophysical Journal 532, 593-615 (2000).
Elliott J.R., M.S. Miesch, and J. Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 533, 546-556 (2000).
Gough D.O., T. Sekii, and J. Toomre, Solar Physics 195, 1-12 (2000).
Haber D.A., B. Hindman, J. Toomre, R.S. Bogart, M.J. Thompson, and F. Hill, Solar Physics 192, 335-350 (2000).
DeRosa M.L., T.L. Duvall Jr., and J. Toomre, Solar Physics 192, 351-361 (2000).
Lisle J.P., M.L. DeRosa, and J. Toomre, Solar Physics 197, 21-30 (2000).
Howe R., J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, F. Hill, R.W. Komm, R.M. Larsen, J. Schou, M.J. Thompson, and J. Toomre, Science 287, 2456-2460 (2000).
Howe R., J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, F. Hill, R.W. Komm, R.M. Larsen, J. Schou, M.J. Thompson, and J. Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 533, L163 - L166 (2000).