1 J.. Levine, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 5, (1977).
Judah Levine
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1 J.E. Faller, and J.. Levine, Astrophysics and Space Science Library: Scientific Applications of Lunar Laser Ranging 62, (1977).
1 J.. Levine, and J.C. Harrison, Journal of Geophysical Research 81, (1976).
1 J.. Levine, Nature 257, (1975).
1 J.. Berger, and J.. Levine, Journal of Geophysical Research 79, (1974).
1 J.. Levine, in (Springer US, Boston, MA, 1974), pp. 643–652.
1 J.. Levine, and R.T. Stebbins, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 274, (1973).
1 J.. Levine, in (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973).
1 J.. Levine, and R.T. Stebbins, Physical Review D 6, (1972).
1 M.W. Siegel, R.J. Celotta, J.L. Hall, J.. Levine, and R.A. Bennett, Physical Review A 6, (1972).