J. Milstein

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1 S.G. Bhongale, J.N. Milstein, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 69, (2004).
1 J.. Stajic, J.N. Milstein, Q.. Chen, M.. Chiofalo, M.J. Holland, and K.. Levin, Physical Review A 69, (2004).
1 J.N. Milstein, From Cooper Pairs to Molecules: Effective Field Theories for Ultra-Cold Atomic Gases Near Feshbach Resonances, University of Colorado Boulder, 2004.
1 J.N. Milstein, C.. Menotti, and M.J. Holland, New Journal of Physics 5, (2003).
1 S.. Kokkelmans, J.N. Milstein, M.. Chiofalo, R.. Walser, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 65, (2002).
1 J.N. Milstein, S.. Kokkelmans, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 66, (2002).