
Asier Piñeiro Orioli

I did my MSc and PhD at the University of Heidelberg, and I joined Rey's group as a Postdoc in the beginning of 2018. I am broadly interested in the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems, both from a fundamental point of view as well as for applications in quantum technologies. During my PhD I studied the emergence of universal dynamics in ultracold quantum gases and the quench dynamics of Rydberg gases in collaboration with an experimental group at Heidelberg. Apart from this, I developed new theoretical tools to tackle non-equilibrium problems using phase-space and field-theory methods.

My current research focuses on understanding the dynamics of multilevel systems relevant to experiments of alkaline-earth atom in optical lattices and cavities, especially for applications in quantum information and quantum metrology. I am particularly interested in cooperative phenomena in light-matter interacting systems (e.g. subradiance) as well as the thermalization dynamics of dipolar-interacting systems and systems with SU(N) symmetry.

Asier Piñeiro Orioli photo.