Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2006 ASTR 2030 Homepage

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 summary Fall 2011 ASTR 2030 Black Holes: Weekly Summaries

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

This was mainly a week of summary and review, in preparation for the midterm. See Review for Th Sep 15 midterm for questions to study.

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

This was a week of summary and review, in preparation for the midterm. See Review for Th Oct 27 midterm for questions to study.

Week 11

This week was about how to script a movie. We watched excerpts from two movies, “Contact”, and “Walt Disney's The Black Hole”.

Week 12

  • Read Thorne Ch 4 in preparation for Project 4 next week.
  • Read Thorne Ch 5. The first part of the chapter discusses supernovae, while the latter part discusses the behavior of cold matter at very high density.


  • Phil Armitage's slides on “ Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts” (pdf)
  • Supernova. A star that for a while becomes comparable in brightness to its parent galaxy.

  • History.

  • A pulsar is a rotating, magnetized neutron star.

  • There are two kinds of supernova:
  • Core collapse supernova
  • Thermonuclear supernova

    What happens to cold matter when you compress it very prodigiously?

    Week 13

    Week 14


    Week 15

    Hawking radiation

    Week 16

     Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Fall 2011 ASTR 2030 Homepage

    syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

    Updated 2011 Dec 11