- National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateships Program
- Outstanding research opportunities with top JILA scientists
- NRC postdocs are employees of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) working at JILA on the University of Colorado Boulder campus
- Starting salary: $72,030 (2-year appointment)
- Excellent benefits
- Relocation & travel expenses
- Must be a U.S. citizen (required for NIST employment)
- See the website for upcoming application deadlines
Come to the Physics Frontier!
The mission of the NRC Research Associateship Programs (RAP) is to promote excellence in scientific and technological research conducted by the U. S. government through postdoctoral research opportunities at sponsoring federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. NRC fellowships to work at JILA, which is located on the University of Colorado Boulder campus, are awarded through NIST. Learn about these opportunities and how to apply.
In these programs, prospective applicants select a research project or projects from among the large group of opportunities listed on the website. JILA offers a number of opportunities for NRC Postdoc fellowship recipients.
JILA was founded in 1962 as a joint institute of CU-Boulder and NIST. JILA is located at the base of the Rocky Mountains on the CU-Boulder campus. The wide-ranging interests of our scientists have made JILA one of the nation's leading research institutes in the physical sciences. Our award-winning scientists explore some of today's most challenging and fundamental scientific questions. We hope you will explore opportunities to work with us via an NRC Postdoc research fellowship!
JILA Research Groups with NRC Postdoc Opportunities
Explore opportunities to work with our scientists! You are strongly encouraged to contact the JILA scientists below and discuss possible postdoctoral research opportunities. There may be additional research opportunities beyond those formally listed.