Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Cindy Regal, Baur-SPIE Chair
| 303-492-5956 (office) | 303-492-1528 (lab) | Regal CV
- Baur-SPIE Chair in Optical Physics and Photonics at JILA
- Professor of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
- JILA Fellow, JILA: NIST and the University of Colorado
See teaching page
JILA, University of Colorado and NIST
JILA Center for Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
University of Colorado, Physics Department
Research Associate
Ravid Shaniv
Graduate Student
Maxwell D. Urmey
Zhenpu Zhang
Also affiliated with Kaufman group
Luca Talamo
Kazemi Adachi
Also affiliated with Lehnert group
Steven Pampel
Thanmay Sunil Menon
Ting You Tan
Also affiliated with Kaufman group
Sarah Dickson
Sofia Brown
Jamie Boyd
Also affiliated with Kaufman group