The Regal Group

Research Highlights

  • Exploiting the hyperfine structure in repulsive light-assisted collisions (LAC) on a 87-Rubidium atom pair in an optical tweezer. 

    Quantum Billiard Balls: Digging Deeper into Light-Assisted Atomic Collisions

    When atoms collide, their exact structure—for example, the number of electrons they have or even the quantum spin of their nuclei—has a lot to say about how they bounce off each other. This is especially true for atoms cooled to near-…
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  • Cells with around 100 billion rubidium atoms are exposed to microwave signals, which help to determine the atoms' magnetic fields

    Tracking Magnetic Field Directions Using Tiny Atomic Compasses

    Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a novel method to measure magnetic field orientations using atoms as minuscule compasses. The research, a collaboration between JILA Fellow and CU Boulder physics…
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  • A SiN resonator under localized heating. Different modes have different effective temperatures depending on the spatial overlap between the local temperature and the dissipation density of the mode.

    A Drum Sounding Both Hot and Cold

    When measuring minor changes for quantities like forces, magnetic fields, masses of small particles, or even gravitational waves, physicists use micro-mechanical resonators, which act like tuning forks, resonating at specific…
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  • An artistic film strip depicting the process of creating time-of-flight imaging

    A Quantum Video Reel

    When it comes to creating ever more intriguing quantum systems, a constant need is finding new ways to observe them in a wide range of physical scenarios.  JILA Fellow Cindy Regal and JILA and NIST Fellow Ana Maria Rey have teamed…
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  • Graphical illustration of light focusing using a planar glass surface studded with millions of nanopillars (referred to as a metalens) forming an optical tweezer. (A) Device cross section depicts plane waves of light that come to a focus through secondary wavelets generated by nanopillars of varying size. (B) The same metalens is used to trap and image single rubidium atoms.

    JILA and NIST Researchers Develop Miniature Lens for Trapping Atoms

    JILA Fellow Cindy Regal and her team, along with researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), have for the first time demonstrated that they can trap single atoms using a novel miniaturized version of “…
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  • Child wears a helmet made up of more than 100 OPM sensors.

    A Look at Colorado's Quantum Revolution

    More than 400 years later, scientists are in the midst of an equally-important revolution. They’re diving into a previously-hidden realm—far wilder than anything van Leeuwenhoek, known as the “father of microbiology,” could have…
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  • The transducer developed by the Lehnert and Regal research groups uses side-banded cooling to convert microwave photons to optical photons

    Connecting Microwave and Optical Frequencies through the Ground State of a Micromechanical Object

    The process of developing a quantum computer has seen significant progress in the past 20 years. Quantum computers are designed to solve complex problems using the intricacies of quantum mechanics. These computers can also communicate…
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  • An illustration of the efficient and continuously operating electro-optomechanical transducer whose mechanical mode has been optically sideband-cooled to its quantum ground state. This is the tool that will be used to convert microwave photons into optical photons to eventually send quantum signals over long distances.

    New Research Reveals A More Robust Qubit System, even with a Stronger Laser Light

    Qubits are a basic building block for quantum computers, but they’re also notoriously fragile—tricky to observe without erasing their information in the process. Now, new research from CU Boulder and the National Institute of Standards…
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  • Photo of Cindy Regal and Findings Mural

    Where Science Meets Art: A Mural on AMO Physics

    JILA Fellow Cindy Regal has helped consult on a new mural placed in Washington Park in Denver, Colorado. The mural, titled Leading Light, loosely alludes to AMO physics…
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  • Photograph of an Infrared optical tweezers device.

    Optical tweezers achieve new feats of capturing atoms

    Trapping single atoms is a bit like herding cats, which makes researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder expert feline wranglers. In a new study, a team led by physicist Cindy Regal showed that it could …
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    Quiet Drumming: Reducing Noise for the Quantum Internet

    Quantum computers are set to revolutionize society. With their expansive power and speed, quantum computers could reduce today’s impossibly complex problems, like artificial intelligence and weather forecasts, to mere algorithms. But as…
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    The Chameleon Interferometer

    The Regal group recently met the challenge of measurements in an extreme situation with a device called an interferometer. The researchers succeeded by using creative alterations to the device itself and quantum correlations. Quantum…
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    How Cold Can a Tiny Drum Get?

    Bob Peterson and his colleagues in the Lehnert-Regal lab recently set out to try something that had never been done before: use laser cooling to systematically reduce the temperature of a tiny drum made of silicon nitride as low as…
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    Natural Born Entanglers

    The Regal and Rey groups have come up with a novel way to generate and propagate quantum entanglement [1], a key feature required for quantum computing. Quantum computing requires that bits of information called qubits be moved from one…
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    An Array of Possibilities

    Graduate student Brian Lester of the Regal group has taken an important step toward building larger, more complex systems from single-atom building blocks. His accomplishment opens the door to advances in neutral-atom quantum computing…
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    The Little Shop of Atoms

    Graduate student Adam Kaufman and his colleagues in the Regal and Rey groups have demonstrated a key first step in assembling quantum matter one atom at a time. Kaufman accomplished this feat by laser-cooling two atoms of rubidium (…
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    Good Vibrations: The Experiment

    The Regal-Lehnert collaboration has just taken a significant step towards the goal of one day building a quantum information network. Large-scale fiber-optic networks capable of preserving fragile quantum states (which encode…
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    The Squeeze Machine

    Research associate Tom Purdy and his colleagues in the Regal group have just built an even better miniature light-powered machine that can now strip away noise from a laser beam. Their secret: a creative workaround of a quantum limit…
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    Position Wanted

    Researchers in the Regal group have gotten so good at using laser light to track the exact position of a tiny drum that they have been able to observe a limit imposed by the laws of quantum mechanics. In a recent experiment, research…
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    Everything's Cool with Atom

    The Regal group recently completed a nifty feat that had never been done before: The researchers grabbed onto a single trapped rubidium atom (87Rb) and placed it in its quantum ground state. This experiment has identified an…
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Stories About Our Research

  • Exploiting the hyperfine structure in repulsive light-assisted collisions (LAC) on a 87-Rubidium atom pair in an optical tweezer. 

    Quantum Billiard Balls: Digging Deeper into Light-Assisted Atomic Collisions

    When atoms collide, their exact structure—for example, the number of electrons they have or even the quantum spin of their nuclei—has a lot to say about how they bounce off each other. This is especially true for atoms cooled to near-…
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  • Cells with around 100 billion rubidium atoms are exposed to microwave signals, which help to determine the atoms' magnetic fields

    Tracking Magnetic Field Directions Using Tiny Atomic Compasses

    Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a novel method to measure magnetic field orientations using atoms as minuscule compasses. The research, a collaboration between JILA Fellow and CU Boulder physics…
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  • A SiN resonator under localized heating. Different modes have different effective temperatures depending on the spatial overlap between the local temperature and the dissipation density of the mode.

    A Drum Sounding Both Hot and Cold

    When measuring minor changes for quantities like forces, magnetic fields, masses of small particles, or even gravitational waves, physicists use micro-mechanical resonators, which act like tuning forks, resonating at specific…
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  • Mass on membrane

    Membranes suspending a mass

    Mechanical resonators featuring large tensile stress have enabled a range of experiments in quantum optomechanics and precision sensing. Many sensing applications require functionalizing tensioned resonators by appending additional mass…
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  • Spin exchange

    Coherence of Rabi oscillations with spin exchange

    In our work recently published in Physical Review Research we study Rabi oscillations in a vapor cell environment to understand their…
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  • An artistic film strip depicting the process of creating time-of-flight imaging

    A Quantum Video Reel

    When it comes to creating ever more intriguing quantum systems, a constant need is finding new ways to observe them in a wide range of physical scenarios.  JILA Fellow Cindy Regal and JILA and NIST Fellow Ana Maria Rey have teamed…
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  • Graphical illustration of light focusing using a planar glass surface studded with millions of nanopillars (referred to as a metalens) forming an optical tweezer. (A) Device cross section depicts plane waves of light that come to a focus through secondary wavelets generated by nanopillars of varying size. (B) The same metalens is used to trap and image single rubidium atoms.

    JILA and NIST Researchers Develop Miniature Lens for Trapping Atoms

    JILA Fellow Cindy Regal and her team, along with researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), have for the first time demonstrated that they can trap single atoms using a novel miniaturized version of “…
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  • Child wears a helmet made up of more than 100 OPM sensors.

    A Look at Colorado's Quantum Revolution

    More than 400 years later, scientists are in the midst of an equally-important revolution. They’re diving into a previously-hidden realm—far wilder than anything van Leeuwenhoek, known as the “father of microbiology,” could have…
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  • The transducer developed by the Lehnert and Regal research groups uses side-banded cooling to convert microwave photons to optical photons

    Connecting Microwave and Optical Frequencies through the Ground State of a Micromechanical Object

    The process of developing a quantum computer has seen significant progress in the past 20 years. Quantum computers are designed to solve complex problems using the intricacies of quantum mechanics. These computers can also communicate…
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  • An illustration of the efficient and continuously operating electro-optomechanical transducer whose mechanical mode has been optically sideband-cooled to its quantum ground state. This is the tool that will be used to convert microwave photons into optical photons to eventually send quantum signals over long distances.

    New Research Reveals A More Robust Qubit System, even with a Stronger Laser Light

    Qubits are a basic building block for quantum computers, but they’re also notoriously fragile—tricky to observe without erasing their information in the process. Now, new research from CU Boulder and the National Institute of Standards…
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  • Photo of Cindy Regal and Findings Mural

    Where Science Meets Art: A Mural on AMO Physics

    JILA Fellow Cindy Regal has helped consult on a new mural placed in Washington Park in Denver, Colorado. The mural, titled Leading Light, loosely alludes to AMO physics…
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  • 2D Membrane illustration.

    2D membrane phononic crystals for force sensing

    Analysis and new designs of low mass SiN mechanical defects in 2D acoustic shields for force sensing -- now published in …
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  • Optomechanical figure.

    Upcoming workshop: Optomechanical architectures for precision sensing

    We are organizing an upcoming workshop on optomechanical architectures for new physics searches through force signatures on scalable arrays of mechanical resonators.  The workshop is sponsored by an …
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  • Photograph of an Infrared optical tweezers device.

    Optical tweezers achieve new feats of capturing atoms

    Trapping single atoms is a bit like herding cats, which makes researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder expert feline wranglers. In a new study, a team led by physicist Cindy Regal showed that it could …
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  • Vector magnetometry image.

    Vector magnetometry

    Microwaves report on the direction of a magnetic field!  Our work on self-calibrated atomic vector magnetometry has been published in Phys. Rev.…
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    Quiet Drumming: Reducing Noise for the Quantum Internet

    Quantum computers are set to revolutionize society. With their expansive power and speed, quantum computers could reduce today’s impossibly complex problems, like artificial intelligence and weather forecasts, to mere algorithms. But as…
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    The Chameleon Interferometer

    The Regal group recently met the challenge of measurements in an extreme situation with a device called an interferometer. The researchers succeeded by using creative alterations to the device itself and quantum correlations. Quantum…
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  • Cindy Regal in lab.

    APS Fellowship

    Cindy Regal was elected a 2016 APS Fellow "For observation of quantum radiation pressure noise on a macroscopic object, and establishing quantum control over individual neutral atoms."  

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    How Cold Can a Tiny Drum Get?

    Bob Peterson and his colleagues in the Lehnert-Regal lab recently set out to try something that had never been done before: use laser cooling to systematically reduce the temperature of a tiny drum made of silicon nitride as low as…
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    Natural Born Entanglers

    The Regal and Rey groups have come up with a novel way to generate and propagate quantum entanglement [1], a key feature required for quantum computing. Quantum computing requires that bits of information called qubits be moved from one…
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    An Array of Possibilities

    Graduate student Brian Lester of the Regal group has taken an important step toward building larger, more complex systems from single-atom building blocks. His accomplishment opens the door to advances in neutral-atom quantum computing…
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  • Adam Kaufman 2014 photo.

    Adam Kaufman receives poster prize at ICAP

    Graduate student Adam Kaufman received one of the poster prizes awarded at this year's International Conference on Atomic Physics in Washington DC.  His poster was entitled:  "Atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel effect in tunnel-coupled…
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  • Two atoms image.

    Raman cooling imaging

    We have developed a method for imaging single neutral atoms during continuous Raman sideband cooling.  See our recent work in PRA.  

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    The Little Shop of Atoms

    Graduate student Adam Kaufman and his colleagues in the Regal and Rey groups have demonstrated a key first step in assembling quantum matter one atom at a time. Kaufman accomplished this feat by laser-cooling two atoms of rubidium (…
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  • 2014 news.

    High-Q InGaP membranes

    Our work in collaboration with the Garrett Cole and the Aspelmeyer group in Vienna has been published in APL.  We have demonstrated single-crystal high-stress membranes with a mechanical Q similar to SiN membranes.

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    Good Vibrations: The Experiment

    The Regal-Lehnert collaboration has just taken a significant step towards the goal of one day building a quantum information network. Large-scale fiber-optic networks capable of preserving fragile quantum states (which encode…
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  • Cindy Regal 2014.

    Cindy Regal Receives 2014 Cottrell Scholars Award

    Cindy Regal has been selected to receive a 2014 Cottrell Scholars Award from the Research Corporation for Science and Advancement. The Cottrell Scholar Awards are given to early career faculty members who excel at both research and…
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  • Phononic shield figure.

    A phononic shield for vibrating membranes

    Recent APL article by our optomechanics group in collaboration with Kat Cicak and Ray Simmonds at NIST.  The little white…
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  • Thumbnail

    The Squeeze Machine

    Research associate Tom Purdy and his colleagues in the Regal group have just built an even better miniature light-powered machine that can now strip away noise from a laser beam. Their secret: a creative workaround of a quantum limit…
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    Position Wanted

    Researchers in the Regal group have gotten so good at using laser light to track the exact position of a tiny drum that they have been able to observe a limit imposed by the laws of quantum mechanics. In a recent experiment, research…
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  • Thumbnail

    Everything's Cool with Atom

    The Regal group recently completed a nifty feat that had never been done before: The researchers grabbed onto a single trapped rubidium atom (87Rb) and placed it in its quantum ground state. This experiment has identified an…
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  • Regal thumbnail 2.

    Cindy Regal Wins David and Lucille Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering

    Associate JILA Fellow Cindy Regal has been awarded a prestigious David and Lucille Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering. Regal, who is also assistant professor of physics at the University of Colorado, will receive $875,000…
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  • Regal thumbnail 2.

    Cindy Regal is CU's first Clare Boothe Luce Professor

    Cindy Regal has been awarded the University of Colorado’s (CU's) first-ever Clare Boothe Luce Professorship Award. The $645,000 award is designed to “encourage women to enter, study, graduate, and teach in science, mathematics, and…
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Our quantum systems explore the frontiers of control in atomic, optical, and mesoscopic physics. We laser cool the vibrations of mechanical objects that can measure displacements and extremely small forces at quantum limits.  We are able to entangle and interfere single atoms placed atom-by-atom in identical quantum states.  Our work enables transduction between disparate quantum systems and exploration of quantum many-body physics.

We are grateful for funding for our research from these agencies

Research Areas

  • Laser cooling of atoms uses radiation forces of light to push on atoms, and has revolutionized atomic physics.  In our work, in a field known as optomechanics, we now have the capacity to cool vibrations of mesoscopic objects using radiation pressure combined with cryogenic cooling.  We pick out particular nanomechanical modes of the solid that are well-isolated from their…

  • Electro-optic devices are ubiquitous in classical optical systems.  In the quantum domain, an electro-optic device would also be very handy, for example, to transduce states created with superconducting quantum bits (qubits) to optical light.  However, at the moment no electro-optic component exists that is low enough noise and efficient enough to work with quantum states.

  • We are building a new apparatus that will study large quantum systems of Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers harnessing a cryogenic, high-vacuum environment.  This work is collaboration with the Kaufman group at JILA.  Check back for more information!

  • We are studying a quantum system of bosonic 87Rb atoms in optical tweezers assembled particle-by-particle.  We have shown optical tweezers can be used to confine atoms sufficiently to place them in their motional ground state via Raman sideband laser cooling.  With this ability, we make bosonic atoms indistinguishable in all but their positional degree of freedom, and…

In the Spotlight

From left to right, Aju Jugessur, Juliet Gopinath, Scott Diddams and Cindy Regal, who will lead the realization of a new facility at CU Boulder, with JILA's collaboration, for making nano devices
: JILA and University of Colorado Boulder Awarded $20 million to Build a new "Quantum Machine Shop"

On June 20, 2024, the U.S. National Science Foundation awarded JILA and the University of Colorado Boulder a $20 million grant to create the National Quantum Nanofab (NQN), a cutting-edge facility poised to revolutionize quantum technology. 

JILA Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder physics professor Cindy Regal remarked, "The NQN will be a unique facility for quantum discoveries and technology. I look forward to seeing the NQN as a national resource in quantum and interfacing with a wide range of JILA research.”


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Cindy regal.
: JILA Fellow Cindy Regal Named Baur/SPIE Endowed Chair in Optics and Photonics

Regal is the first recipient for JILA's new endowed chair in optics and photonics.

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JILA building
: New $115 Million Quantum Systems Accelerator to Pioneer Quantum Technologies for Discovery Science

A new national quantum research center draws on JILA Fellows' and their expertise to make the United States an international leader in quantum technology.

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: JILA Fellow Cindy Regal Wins 2020 FRED Award

JILA Fellow Cindy Regal has been selected as the 2020 recipient of Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s Cottrell Frontiers in Research Excellence and Discovery (FRED) Award. The $250,000 FRED Award recognizes and rewards innovative research that could transform an area of science.

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JILA Address

We are located at JILA: A joint institute of NIST and the University of Colorado Boulder.

Map | JILA Phone: 303-492-7789 | Address: 440 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309