JILA's Tanya Roussy wins 2019 GPMFC prize

Submitted by rebeccajj on

JILA graduate Tanya Roussy was awarded the poster prize at the 2019 American Physical Society's Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics meeting, held in Milwaukee on May 27-31, 2019.

Roussy's poster won the prize from the Group on Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants. It covered her work in the Cornell group using electron EDM to search for dark matter.

"Our experiment’s primary goal is to measure if the electron is perfectly round or maybe just a tiny bit oblong (this is the ‘EDM’ part)," Roussy explained in an email. "But it turns out we can use the same data to look for a signal which would reveal the presence of a certain kind of dark matter, called ‘axion-like particles’. Currently, we know that dark matter exists, but nobody knows what it is and nobody has measured it directly. This poster described one attempt to measure dark matter."

Fellow JILAn graduate Xin Xie was also a finalist for the poster prize.

Congratulations to Roussy on her win and Xie on making finalist!

Tanya Roussy wins 2019 GPMFC poster competition

Tanya Roussy wins 2019 GPMFC poster competition.

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Principal Investigators