JILA Science Publications

Displaying 1 - 100 of 129


Cover of Science July 7 2023 An improved bound on the electron s electric dipole moment
Tanya Roussy, Luke Caldwell, Trevor Wright, William Cairncross, Yuval Shagam, Kia Ng, Noah Schlossberger, Sun Park, Anzhou Wang, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Science 381, 46-50 (2023).
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Systematic and statistical uncertainty evaluation of the HfF+ electron electric dipole moment experiment
Luke Caldwell, Tanya Roussy, Trevor Wright, William Cairncross, Yuval Shagam, Kia Ng, Noah Schlossberger, Sun Park, Anzhou Wang, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 108, 012804 (2023).
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Spectroscopy on the electron-electric-dipole-moment–sensitive states of ThF +
Kia Ng, Yan Zhou, Lan Cheng, Noah Schlossberger, Sun Park, Tanya Roussy, Luke Caldwell, Yuval Shagam, Antonio Vigil, Eric Cornell, Jun Ye, Physical Review A 105, 022823 (2022).
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Publication Highlights:
Editor's Suggestion


eEDM search for Dark Matter Experimental Constraint on Axion-like Particle Coupling over Seven Orders of Magnitude in Mass
Tanya Roussy, Daniel Palken, William Cairncross, Benjamin Brubaker, Daniel Gresh, Matt Grau, Kevin Cossel, Kia Ng, Yuval Shagam, Yan Zhou, Victor Flambaum, Konrad Lehnert, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 171301 (2021).
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Observation of Efimov Universality across a Nonuniversal Feshbach Resonance in K39
Xin Xie, Michael Van de Graaff, Roman Chapurin, Matthew Frye, Jeremy Hutson, José D’Incao, Paul Julienne, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 125, 243401 (2020).
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Continuous temporal ion detection combined with time-gated imaging: Normalization over a large dynamic range
Yuval Shagam, William Cairncross, Tanya Roussy, Yan Zhou, Kia Ng, Daniel Gresh, Tanner Grogan, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 368, 111257 (2020).
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State-dependent imaging. Second-Scale Coherence Measured at the Quantum Projection Noise Limit with Hundreds of Molecular Ions
Yan Zhou, Yuval Shagam, William Cairncross, Kia Ng, Tanya Roussy, Tanner Grogan, Kevin Boyce, Antonio Vigil, Madeline Pettine, Tanya Zelevinsky, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053201 (2020).
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Limits to 3-body universality. Precision Test of the Limits to Universality in Few-Body Physics
Roman Chapurin, Xin Xie, Michael Van de Graaff, Jared Popowski, Jose D'Incao, Paul Julienne, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 123, 233402 (2019).
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Can Three-Body Recombination Purify a Quantum Gas?
Lena Dogra, Jake Glidden, Timon Hilker, Christoph Eigen, Eric Cornell, Robert Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic, Physical Review Letters 123, 020405 (2019).
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Visible and ultraviolet laser spectroscopy of ThF
Yan Zhou, Kia Ng, Lan Cheng, Daniel Gresh, Robert Field, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 358, 1-16 (2019).
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Universal prethermal dynamics of Bose gases quenched to unitarity
Christoph Eigen, Jake Glidden, Raphael Lopes, Eric Cornell, Robert Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic, Nature 563, 221-224 (2018).
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Observation of Efimov Molecules Created from a Resonantly Interacting Bose Gas
Catherine Klauss, Xin Xie, Carlos Lopez-Abadia, Jose D'Incao, Zoran Hadzibabic, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 119, 143401 (2017).
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Precision Measurement of the Electron's Electric Dipole Moment Using Trapped Molecular Ions
William Cairncross, Daniel Gresh, Matt Grau, Kevin Cossel, Tanya Roussy, Yiqi Ni, Yan Zhou, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 119, 153001 (2017).
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Deborah S. Jin 1968-2016
B. DeMarco, John Bohn, Eric Cornell, Nature 538, 318 (2016).
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Collapse and revival of the monopole mode of a degenerate Bose gas in an isotropic harmonic trap
Cameron Straatsma, Victor Colussi, M. Davis, D. Lobser, Murray Holland, Dana Anderson, Heather Lewandowski, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 94, 043640 (2016).
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Publication Highlights:
Editor’s Suggestion
Bose Polarons in the Strongly Interacting Regime
M.-G. Hu, Michael Van de Graaff, Dhruv Kedar, John Corson, Eric Cornell, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 117, 055301 (2016).
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Velocity-modulation comb spectroscopy of ThF+ Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of ThF+ for use in a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment
Daniel Gresh, Kevin Cossel, Yan Zhou, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 319, 1-9 (2016).
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Observation of a persistent non-equilibrium state in cold atoms
D. Lobser, A. Barentine, Eric Cornell, Heather Lewandowski, Nature Physics 11, 1009-1012 (2015).
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Publication Highlights:
Highlighted in “Nature’s News & Views”


State-specific detection of trapped HfF+ by photodissociation
Kang-Kuen Ni, Huanqian Loh, Matt Grau, Kevin Cossel, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 300, 12-15 (2014).
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Universal dynamics of a degenerate unitary Bose gas
P. Makotyn, Catherine Klauss, D. Goldberger, Eric Cornell, Deborah Jin, Nature Physics 10, 116-119 (2014).
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Publication image. Precision Spectroscopy of Polarized Molecules in an Ion Trap
H. Loh, Kevin Cossel, Matt Grau, K.-K. Ni, E. Meyer, John Bohn, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Science 342, 1220-1222 (2013).
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Publication image. Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of HfF+: Towards a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment
Kevin Cossel, Daniel Gresh, L. Sinclair, Tyler Coffey, Leonid Skripnikov, A. Petrov, Nikolai Mosyagin, Anatoly Titov, Robert Field, E. Meyer, Eric Cornell, Jun Ye, Chemical Physics Letters 546, 1-11 (2012).
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Publication Highlights:
This is the cover of Chem. Phys. Lett.
REMPI spectroscopy of HfF
H. Loh, R. Stutz, T. Yahn, Herbert Looser, Robert Field, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 276-277, 49-56 (2012).
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Near-infrared LIF spectroscopy of HfF
Matt Grau, A. Leanhardt, H. Loh, L. Sinclair, R. Stutz, T. Yahn, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 272, 32-35 (2012).
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Measurements of Tan's Contact in an Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensate
R. Wild, P. Makotyn, J. Pino, Eric Cornell, Deborah Jin, Physical Review Letters 108, 145305 (2012).
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High-resolution spectroscopy on trapped molecular ions in rotating electric fields: A new approach for measuring the electron electric dipole moment
A. Leanhardt, John Bohn, H. Loh, P. Maletinsky, E. Meyer, L. Sinclair, R. Stutz, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 270, 1-25 (2011).
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Laser-induced fluorescence studies of HfF+ produced by autoionization
H. Loh, Jia Wang, Matt Grau, T. Yahn, Robert Field, Chris Greene, Eric Cornell, The Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 154308 (2011).
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Publication image. Frequency Comb Velocity-Modulation Spectroscopy
L. Sinclair, Kevin Cossel, Tyler Coffey, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 107, 093002 (2011).
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Photon counting for Bragg spectroscopy of quantum gases
J. Pino, R. Wild, P. Makotyn, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 83, 033615 (2011).
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Observation of the Presuperfluid Regime in a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas
S. Tung, G. Lamporesi, D. Lobser, L. Xia, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 105, (2010).
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Revealing buried information: Statistical processing techniques for ultracold-gas image analysis
S. Segal, Q. Diot, Eric Cornell, A. Zozulya, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 81, 053601 (2010).
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Berry-like phases in structured atoms and molecules
E. Meyer, A. Leanhardt, Eric Cornell, John Bohn, Physical Review A 80, 062110 (2009).
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When is a Quantum Gas a Quantum Liquid?
J. Pino, R. Wild, S. Papp, Shai Ronen, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, unknown , (2009).
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Bragg Spectroscopy of a Strongly Interacting (85)Rb Bose-Einstein Condensate
S. Papp, J. Pino, R. Wild, Shai Ronen, Carl Wieman, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 101, (2008).
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Probing Vortex Pair Sizes in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Regime on a Two-Dimensional Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates
S. Tung, Eric Cornell, G. Lamporesi, V. Schweikhard, unknown , 3-10 (2008).
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Vortex Proliferation in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Regime on a Two-Dimensional Lattice of Bose-Einstein Condensates
V. Schweikhard, S. Tung, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 99, (2007).
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Measuring electric fields from surface contaminants with neutral atoms
J. Obrecht, R. Wild, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 75, (2007).
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Measurement of the Temperature Dependence of the Casimir-Polder Force
J. Obrecht, R. Wild, M. Antezza, L. Pitaevskii, S. Stringari, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 98, (2007).
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Observation of Vortex Pinning in Bose-Einstein Condensates
S. Tung, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
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Dispersive and classical shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates and gas dynamics
M. Hoefer, M. Ablowitz, I. Coddington, Eric Cornell, P. Engels, V. Schweikhard, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
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Measurement of the Casimir-Polder force through center-of-mass oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate
D. Harber, J. Obrecht, J. McGuirk, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 72, (2005).
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Efficient loading of a magnetic waveguide on an atom chip
P. Schwindt, Eric Cornell, Tetsuo Kishimoto, Ying-Ju Wang, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 72, (2005).
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Atom Michelson Interferometer on a Chip Using a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Ying-Ju Wang, Dana Anderson, V. Bright, Eric Cornell, Q. Diot, Tetsuo Kishimoto, M. Prentiss, R. Saravanan, S. Segal, Saijun Wu, Physical Review Letters 94, (2005).
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Observations on Sound Propagation in Rapidly Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates
T. Simula, P. Engels, I. Coddington, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, R. Ballagh, Physical Review Letters 94, (2005).
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Production Efficiency of Ultracold Feshbach Molecules in Bosonic and Fermionic Systems
E. Hodby, S. Thompson, Cindy Regal, Markus Greiner, A. Wilson, Deborah Jin, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 94, 120402 (2005).
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Experimental studies of equilibrium vortex properties in a Bose condensed gas
I. Coddington, P. Haljan, P. Engels, V. Schweikhard, S. Tung, Eric Cornell, Phys. Rev. A 70, (2004).
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Publisher's Note: Vortex-Lattice Dynamics in Rotating Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 210403 (2004)]
V. Schweikhard, I. Coddington, P. Engels, S. Tung, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
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Vortex-Lattice Dynamics in Rotating Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
V. Schweikhard, I. Coddington, P. Engels, S. Tung, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
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Alkali-metal adsorbate polarization on conducting and insulating surfaces probed with Bose-Einstein condensates
J. McGuirk, D. Harber, J. Obrecht, Eric Cornell, Phys. Rev. A 69, (2004).
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Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in and near the lowest Landau level
V. Schweikhard, I. Coddington, P. Engels, B. Mogendorff, Eric Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, (2004).
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Vortex Lattice Dynamics in a Dilute Gas BEC
P. Engels, I. Coddington, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134, 683-688 (2004).
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Decoherence-Driven Cooling of a Degenerate Spinor Bose Gas
Heather Lewandowski, J. McGuirk, D. Harber, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
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Thermally Induced Losses in Ultra-Cold Atoms Magnetically Trapped Near Room-Temperature Surfaces
D. Harber, J. McGuirk, J. Obrecht, Eric Cornell, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 133, 229-238 (2003).
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Normal-Superfluid Interaction Dynamics in a Spinor Bose Gas
J. McGuirk, D. Harber, Heather Lewandowski, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
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Observation of Tkachenko Oscillations in Rapidly Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates
I. Coddington, P. Engels, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 91, (2003).
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Simplified System for Creating a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Heather Lewandowski, D. Harber, D. Whitaker, Eric Cornell, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 132, 309-367 (2003).
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Observation of Long-Lived Vortex Aggregates in Rapidly Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates
P. Engels, I. Coddington, P. Haljan, V. Schweikhard, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 90, (2003).
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Using anisotropic compression to melt a vortex lattice in a Bose-Einstein condensate
P. Engels, I. Coddington, P. Haljan, Eric Cornell, Physica B: Condensed Matter 329-333, 7-10 (2003).
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Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas: The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, unknown , 183-222 (2003).
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The Mystery of the Ramsey Fringe that Didn't Chirp
D. Harber, Heather Lewandowski, J. McGuirk, Eric Cornell, unknown , 3-10 (2003).
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Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas: The First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, 4503-4536 (2002).
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Effect of cold collisions on spin coherence and resonance shifts in a magnetically trapped ultracold gas
D. Harber, Heather Lewandowski, J. McGuirk, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 66, (2002).
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Nonequilibrium Effects of Anisotropic Compression Applied to Vortex Lattices in Bose-Einstein Condensates
P. Engels, I. Coddington, P. Haljan, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 89, (2002).
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Spatial Resolution of Spin Waves in an Ultracold Gas
J. McGuirk, Heather Lewandowski, D. Harber, T. Nikuni, J. Williams, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 89, (2002).
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Nobel Lecture: Bose-Einstein condensation in a dilute gas, the first 70 years and some recent experiments
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Reviews of Modern Physics 74, 875-893 (2002).
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Nobel Lecture: Bose-Einstein condensation in a dilute gas, the first 70 years and some recent experiments
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Les Prix Nobel 2001 , (2002).
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Observation of Anomalous Spin-State Segregation in a Trapped Ultracold Vapor
Heather Lewandowski, D. Harber, D. Whitaker, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 88, (2002).
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Bose-Einstein condensation: The cure for decoherence arising from inhomogeneity
Eric Cornell, Experimental Quantum Computation and Information , 121-132 (2002).
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Dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates
E. Donley, N. Claussen, S. Cornish, J. Roberts, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Nature 412, 295-299 (2001).
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Driving Bose-Einstein-Condensate Vorticity with a Rotating Normal Cloud
P. Haljan, I. Coddington, P. Engels, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 87, (2001).
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Controlled Collapse of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
J. Roberts, N. Claussen, S. Cornish, E. Donley, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 86, 4211-4214 (2001).
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Use of Surface-Wave Spectroscopy to Characterize Tilt Modes of a Vortex in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
P. Haljan, B. Anderson, I. Coddington, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 86, 2922-2925 (2001).
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Watching Dark Solitons Decay into Vortex Rings in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
B. Anderson, P. Haljan, Cindy Regal, D. Feder, L. Collins, C. Clark, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 86, 2926-2929 (2001).
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Magnetic switch for integrated atom optics
Dirk Müller, Eric Cornell, M. Prevedelli, P. Schwindt, Ying-Ju Wang, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 63, (2001).
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85Rb BEC near a Feshbach resonance
N. Claussen, S. Cornish, J. Roberts, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, unknown , (2001).
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Stopping light in its tracks
Eric Cornell, Nature 409, 461-462 (2001).
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Ultra-low temperature magnifying glass: how Bose-Einstein condensation makes quantum mechanics visible
Eric Cornell, P. Haljan, unknown , (2001).
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Vortex Precession in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Observations with Filled and Empty Cores
B. Anderson, P. Haljan, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 85, 2857-2860 (2000).
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Waveguide atom beam splitter for laser-cooled neutral atoms
Dirk Müller, Eric Cornell, M. Prevedelli, P. Schwindt, A. Zozulya, Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 25, 1382 (2000).
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Stable (85)Rb Bose-Einstein Condensates with Widely Tunable Interactions
S. Cornish, N. Claussen, J. Roberts, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 85, 1795-1798 (2000).
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Excitation of a dipole topological state in a strongly coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
J. Williams, R. Walser, John Cooper, Eric Cornell, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 61, (2000).
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Guiding laser-cooled atoms in hollow-core fibers
Dirk Müller, Eric Cornell, Dana Anderson, E. Abraham, Physical Review A 61, (2000).
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Guiding Neutral Atoms Around Curves with Lithographically Patterned Current-Carrying Wires
Dirk Müller, Dana Anderson, Randal Grow, P. Schwindt, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 83, 5194-5197 (1999).
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Watching a Superfluid Untwist Itself: Recurrence of Rabi Oscillations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
M. Matthews, B. Anderson, P. Haljan, D. Hall, Murray Holland, J. Williams, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 83, 3358-3361 (1999).
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Vortices in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
M. Matthews, B. Anderson, P. Haljan, D. Hall, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 83, 2498-2501 (1999).
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Measurements of relative phase and quantum beat note between Bose-Einstein condensates
D. Hall, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, , (1999).
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Nonlinear Josephson-type oscillations of a driven, two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
J. Williams, R. Walser, John Cooper, Eric Cornell, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 59, R31 - R34 (1999).
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Seventy Years Later: The Creation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in an Ultracold Gas
Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, unknown , (1999).
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Trapping and cooling of potassium isotopes in a double-magneto-optical-trap apparatus
M. Prevedelli, F. Cataliotti, Eric Cornell, J. Ensher, C. Fort, L. Ricci, G. Tino, M. Inguscio, Physical Review A 59, 886-888 (1999).
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Resonant Magnetic Field Control of Elastic Scattering in Cold 85Rb
J. Roberts, N. Claussen, J. Burke Jr., Chris Greene, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 81, 5109-5112 (1998).
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Having It Both Ways: Distinguishable Yet Phase-Coherent Mixtures of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Eric Cornell, D. Hall, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 113, 151-165 (1998).
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Efficient directional spontaneous emission from an InGaAs/InP heterostructure with an integral parabolic reflector
T. Gfroerer, Eric Cornell, M. Wanlass, Journal of Applied Physics 84, 5360 (1998).
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Dynamical Response of a Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Discontinuous Change in Internal State
M. Matthews, D. Hall, Deborah Jin, J. Ensher, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, F. Dalfovo, C. Minniti, S. Stringari, Physical Review Letters 81, 243-247 (1998).
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Dynamics of Component Separation in a Binary Mixture of Bose-Einstein Condensates
D. Hall, M. Matthews, J. Ensher, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 81, 1539-1542 (1998).
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Measurements of Relative Phase in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates
D. Hall, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 81, 1543-1546 (1998).
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The Bose-Einstein Condensate
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Scientific American 278, 40-45 (1998).
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Magneto-optical trapping of Fermionic potassium atoms
F. Cataliotti, Eric Cornell, C. Fort, M. Inguscio, F. Marin, M. Prevedelli, L. Ricci, G. Tino, Physical Review A 57, 1136-1138 (1998).
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Progress towards laser cooling in semiconductors
T. Gfroerer, Eric Cornell, M. Wanlass, Radiative Processes and Dephasing in Semiconductors , (1998).
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Teflon Feedthrough for Coupling Optical Fibers Into Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems
E. Abraham, Eric Cornell, Applied Optics 37, 1762 (1998).
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Towards quantum degeneracy of bosonic and fermionic potassium atoms
G. Tino, F. Cataliotti, Eric Cornell, C. Fort, M. Inguscio, M. Prevedelli, unknown , (1998).
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