
Science Support

Pam Leland

Current Affiliation: Retired

Research Associate

Eric Abraham

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma

Michael Anderson

Current Affiliation: President, Vescent Photonics

Brian Anderson

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor of Optical Sciences and Physics, The University of Arizona

Dr. Luke Caldwell

Affiliation After Leaving Group: Lecturer at University College London

Peter Engels

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor of Physics, Washington State University

Tim Gfroerer

Current Affiliation: Professor of Physics, Davidson College

David Hall

Current Affiliation: Professor of Physics, Amherst College

Debbie Jin

Current Affiliation: Fellow, JILA; Professor Adjoint, Physics Department Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder

Aaron Leanhardt

Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Michigan

Jeff McGuirk

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor of Physics, Simon Fraser University

Dirk Mueller

Current Affiliation: KMLabs, Inc.

Kang-Kuen Ni

Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and of Physics Harvard University

Wolfgang Petrich

Current Affiliation: Professor, Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics

Michael Renn

Current Affiliation: Optomec

Dr. Yuval Shagam

Dwight Whitaker

Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Physics, Pomona College

Lin Xia

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, NIST Gaithersburg

Dr. Yan Zhou

Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor at University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Graduate Student

Will Cairncross

Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Kang-Kuen Ni's group at Harvard

Roman Chapurin

Current Affiliation: Staff Scientist at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Ian Coddington

Current Affiliation: NIST

Kevin Cossel

Current Affiliation: NIST Boulder

Quentin Diot

Jason Ensher

Current Affiliation: Director of Engineering, Insight Photonic Solutions

Matt Grau

Current Affiliation: ETH Zurich

Dan Gresh

Tanner Grogan

Paul Haljan

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University

David Harber

Current Affiliation: Professional Research Associate, LASP

Catherine Klauss

Current Affiliation: Freelance, previously at IBM and NPR

Giacomo Lamporesi

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, LENS

Heather Lewandowski

Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Physics Department; Associate Fellow, JILA, The University of Colorado at Boulder

Dan Lobser

Current Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories

Huanqian Loh

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, Center for Quantum Technologies

Philip Makotyn

Current Affiliation: Lockheed Martin

Michael Matthews

Current Affiliation: AOSense, Inc.

Kia Boon Ng

Affiliation After Leaving Group: Postdoc at TRIUMF

John Obrecht

Current Affiliation: Research & Development Engineer, Siemens Energy, Inc.

Tanya Roussy

Noah Schlossberger

Affiliation After Leaving Group: Postdoc at NIST Boulder

Volker Schweikhard

Peter Schwindt

Current Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratory

Laura Sinclair

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, NIST

Russell Stutz

Current Affiliation: AOSense

Shih-Kuang Tung

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, The University of Chicago

Michael Van De Graff

Current Affiliation: Postdoc, Stanford University

Ying-ju Wang

Current Affiliation: Senior Scientist, Cymer Inc.

Rob Wild

Xin Xie

Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Caltech

Undergraduate Student

Andrew Barentine

Kevin Boyce

Current Affiliation: Grad research assistant with the Ion Storage Group, NIST

Tyler Coffey

Carlos Lopez-Abadia

Jeffery Meyers

Yiqi Ni

Madeline Pettine

Jared Popowski

Fatemeh Abbasi Razgaleh

Gus Santaella

Antonio Vigil

Tyler Yahn

Current Affiliation: Graduate Student, University of Oregon