1 S.. Kelly, J.K. Thompson, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Marino, Phys. Rev. Research 4, (2022).
Jamir Marino
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1 S.. Kelly, J.K. Thompson, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Marino, Physical Review Letters 126, (2021).
1 J.. Marino, M.. Eckstein, M.. Foster, and A.M.. Rey, Reports on Progress in Physics 85, (2022).
1 J.. Marino, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review A 99, (2019).
1 S.. Smale, P.. He, B.. Olsen, K.. Jackson, H.. Sharum, S.. Trotzky, J.. Marino, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Thywissen, Science Advances 5, (2019).
1 K.J. Tucker, B.. Zhu, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.. Marino, F.. Jimenez, J.G. Restrepo, and A.M.. Rey, New Journal of Physics 20, (2018).