1 Y.. Zhou, K.. Ng, L.. Cheng, D.N. Gresh, R.W. Field, J.. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 358, (2019).
Robert Field
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1 J.B. Koffend, R.W. Field, D.R. Guyer, and S.R. Leone, in (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyoming, USA, 1977).
1 D.J. Nesbitt, and R.W. Field, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100, (1996).
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1 H.. Loh, R.P. Stutz, T.S. Yahn, H.. Looser, R.W. Field, and E.A. Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 276-277, (2012).
1 K.C. Cossel, D.N. Gresh, L.C. Sinclair, T.. Coffey, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, R.W. Field, E.R. Meyer, E.A. Cornell, and J.. Ye, Chemical Physics Letters 546, (2012).
1 H.. Loh, J.. Wang, M.. Grau, T.S. Yahn, R.W. Field, C.H. Greene, and E.A. Cornell, The Journal of Chemical Physics 135, (2011).