1 K.R. Lykke, D.. Neumark, T.. Andersen, V.J. Trapa, and C.. Lineberger, 49, (1985).
Carl Lineberger
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Last name
1 R.P. Parson, N.. Delaney, A.. Sanov, and C.. Lineberger, (2000).
1 J.H. Lehman, and C.. Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, (2014).
1 D.W. Norcross, C.. Lineberger, and E.C. Beaty, Applied Research in the General Area of Charged Particle Chemistry Related to Coal-Fired MHD (University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, 1976).
1 T.. Ichino, A.. Gianola, D.H. Andrews, and C.. Lineberger, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, (2004).
1 K.M. Ervin, I.. Anusiewicz, P.. Skurski, J.. Simons, and C.. Lineberger, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107, (2003).
1 K.M. Ervin, and C.. Lineberger, J. Chem. Phys. 122, (2005).
1 T.J. Sanford, S.-Y.. Han, M.A. Thompson, R.P. Parson, and C.. Lineberger, The Journal of Chemical Physics 122, (2005).
1 G.J. Rathbone, T.J. Sanford, D.H. Andrews, and C.. Lineberger, Chemical Physics Letters 401, (2005).
1 C.M. Nichols, Z.-C.. Wang, C.. Lineberger, and V.M. Bierbaum, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019).