Rabin Paudel

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1 R.. Paudel, Probing Local Quantities in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas and the Construction of an Ultracold Fermi Gas Apparatus, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
1 Y.. Sagi, T.E. Drake, R.. Paudel, R.. Chapurin, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 114, (2015).
1 Y.. Sagi, T.E. Drake, R.. Paudel, R.. Chapurin, and D.S. Jin, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 467, (2013).
1 Y.. Sagi, T.E. Drake, R.. Paudel, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 109, (2012).
1 T.E. Drake, Y.. Sagi, R.. Paudel, J.T. Stewart, J.P. Gaebler, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review A 86, (2012).
1 J.. Lee, E.R. Meyer, R.. Paudel, J.L. Bohn, and A.E. Leanhardt, Journal of Modern Optics 56, (2009).