1 E.. Halperin, M.W.C. Sze, J.P. Corson, and J.L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 100, (2019).
John Corson
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1 J.P. Corson, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 94, (2016).
1 M.-G.. Hu, M.J. Van de Graaff, D.. Kedar, J.P. Corson, E.A. Cornell, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 117, (2016).
1 J.P. Corson, Dynamics of Quenched Ultracold Quantum Gases, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
1 J.P. Corson, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 91, (2015).
1 A.. Sykes, J.P. Corson, J.P. D’Incao, A.P. Koller, C.H. Greene, A.M.. Rey, K.R.A. Hazzard, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 89, (2014).
1 J.P. Corson, R.M. Wilson, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 87, (2013).
1 J.P. Corson, R.M. Wilson, and J.L. Bohn, Physical Review A 88, (2013).