1 Y.H. Lo, J.. Zhou, A.. Rana, D.. Morrill, C.. Gentry, B.. Enders, Y.-S.. Yu, C.-Y.. Sun, D.. Shapiro, R.W. Falcone, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, P.U. Gilbert, and J.. Miao, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, (2021).
Roger Falcone
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1 T.D. Frazer, J.L. Knobloch, K.M. Hoogeboom-Pot, D.. Nardi, W.. Chao, R.W. Falcone, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and J.N.H. Charpak, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, (2019).
1 K.M. Hoogeboom-Pot, J.N.H. Charpak, X.. Gu, T.D. Frazer, E.H. Anderson, W.. Chao, R.W. Falcone, R.. Yang, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and D.. Nardi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2015).
1 D.. Reis, M.. DeCamp, P.. Bucksbaum, R.. Clarke, E.. Dufresne, M.. Hertlein, R.. Merlin, R.W. Falcone, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, J.. Larsson, T.. Missalla, and J.. Wark, Physical Review Letters 86, (2001).
1 A.. Lindenberg, I.. Kang, S.. Johnson, T.. Missalla, P.A. Heimann, Z.. Chang, J.. Larsson, P.. Bucksbaum, H.. Kapteyn, H.A. Padmore, R.. Lee, J.. Wark, and R.W. Falcone, Physical Review Letters 84, (2000).
1 H.. Kapteyn, R.W. Lee, R.W. Falcone, A.A. Zholents, H.A. Padmore, T.E. Glover, S.. Johnson, M.S. Zolotorev, Z.. Chang, R.. Schoenlein, P.A. Heimann, T.. Missalla, A.. Lindenberg, and I.. Kang, in Unknown (AIP, Stanford, California (USA), 2000), pp. 156–160.
1 P.A. Heimann, T.. Missalla, A.. Lindenberg, I.. Kang, S.. Johnson, Z.. Chang, H.. Kapteyn, R.W. Lee, R.W. Falcone, R.. Schoenlein, T.E. Glover, A.A. Zholents, M.S. Zolotorev, and H.A. Padmore, in Unknown (AIP, Chicago, Illinois (USA), 2000), pp. 664–668.