1 A.. Cao, T.. Yelin, W.. Eckner, N.D. Oppong, and A.M. Kaufman, Submitted (2024).
Adam Kaufman
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1 A.. Cao, W.. Eckner, T.. Yelin, A.. Young, S.. Jandura, L.. Yan, K.. Kim, G.. Pupillo, J.. Ye, N.D. Oppong, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature 634, (2024).
1 Y.. Hong, M.. Marinelli, A.M. Kaufman, and A.. Lucas, Submitted (2023).
1 W.. Eckner, D.. Oppong, A.. Cao, A.. Young, W.. Milner, J.. Robinson, J.. Ye, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature 621, (2023).
1 D.. González-Cuadra, D.. Bluvstein, M.. Kalinowski, R.. Kaubruegger, N.. Maskara, P.. Naldesi, T.. Zache, A.M. Kaufman, M.. Lukin, H.. Pichler, B.. Vermersch, J.. Ye, and P.. Zoller, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, (2023).
1 A.. Young, S.. Geller, W.. Eckner, N.. Schine, S.. Glancy, E.. Knill, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature 629, (2023).
1 N.. Schine, A.. Young, W.. Eckner, M.C. Martin, and A.M. Kaufman, Nature Physics 18, (2022).
1 J.. Young, S.R. Muleady, M.A. Perlin, A.M. Kaufman, and A.M.. Rey, Phys. Rev. Research 5, (2023).
1 Y.. Hong, J.. Young, A.M. Kaufman, and A.. Lucas, Physical Review A 106, (2022).
1 A.. Jenkins, J.. Lis, A.. Senoo, W.F. McGrew, and A.M. Kaufman, Physical Review X 12, (2022).