1 A.P. Higginbotham, P.S. Burns, M.. Urmey, R.W. Peterson, N.S. Kampel, B.M. Brubaker, G.. Smith, K.W. Lehnert, and C.A. Regal, Nature Physics 7, (2018).
R. Peterson
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1 R.W. Peterson, Quantum Measurement Backaction and Upconverting Microwave Signals With Mechanical Resonators, University of Colorado Boulder, 2017.
1 T.. Menke, P.S. Burns, A.P. Higginbotham, N.S. Kampel, R.W. Peterson, K.. Cicak, R.W. Simmonds, C.A. Regal, and K.W. Lehnert, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, (2017).
1 R.W. Peterson, T.P. Purdy, N.S. Kampel, R.W. Andrews, P.-L.. Yu, K.W. Lehnert, and C.A. Regal, Physical Review Letters 116, (2016).
1 T.P. Purdy, P.-L.. Yu, N.S. Kampel, R.W. Peterson, K.. Cicak, R.W. Simmonds, and C.A. Regal, Physical Review A 92, (2015).
1 R.W. Anderson, R.W. Peterson, T.P. Purdy, K.. Cicak, R.W. Simmonds, C.A. Regal, and K.W. Lehnert, in SPIE (SPIE, San Francisco, California, United States, 2015), p. 934309.
1 R.W. Anderson, R.W. Peterson, T.P. Purdy, K.. Cicak, R.W. Simmonds, C.A. Regal, and K.W. Lehnert, Nature Physics 10, (2014).
1 T.P. Purdy, R.W. Peterson, and C.A. Regal, Science 339, (2013).
1 T.P. Purdy, R.W. Peterson, P.-L.. Yu, and C.A. Regal, New Journal of Physics 14, (2012).
1 T.P. Purdy, R.W. Peterson, P.-L.. Yu, and C.A. Regal, in CLEO (OSA, San Jose, California \& Washington, D. C., 2012), p. CW3M.5.