1 S.. Bromley, B.. Zhu, M.N. Bishof, X.. Zhang, T.. Bothwell, J.. Schachenmayer, T.L. Nicholson, R.. Kaiser, S.F. Yelin, M.D. Lukin, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Nature Communications 7, (2016).
M. Bishof
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1 M.N. Bishof, Understanding Atomic Interactions in an Optical Lattice Clock and Using Them to Study Many-Body Physics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
1 B.J. Bloom, T.L. Nicholson, J.R. Williams, S.L. Campbell, M.N. Bishof, X.. Zhang, W.. Zhang, S.. Bromley, and J.. Ye, Nature 506, (2014).
1 A.M.. Rey, A.V. Gorshkov, C.V. Kraus, M.J. Martin, M.N. Bishof, M.D. Swallows, X.. Zhang, C.. Benko, J.. Ye, N.D. Lemke, and A.D. Ludlow, Annals of Physics 340, (2014).
1 P.. Kómár, E.M. Kessler, M.N. Bishof, L.. Jiang, A.S. Sørensen, J.. Ye, and M.D. Lukin, Nature Physics 10, (2014).
1 X.. Zhang, M.N. Bishof, S.. Bromley, C.V. Kraus, M.S. Safronova, P.. Zoller, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Science 345, (2014).
1 E.M. Kessler, P.. Kómár, M.N. Bishof, L.. Jiang, A.S. Sørensen, J.. Ye, and M.D. Lukin, Physical Review Letters 112, (2014).
1 M.N. Bishof, X.. Zhang, M.J. Martin, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 111, (2013).
1 M.J. Martin, M.N. Bishof, M.D. Swallows, X.. Zhang, C.. Benko, J.. von Stecher, A.V. Gorshkov, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Science 341, (2013).
1 M.D. Swallows, M.J. Martin, M.N. Bishof, C.. Benko, Y.. Lin, S.. Blatt, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 59, (2012).