1 A.. Collopy, M.T. Hummon, M.. Yeo, B.. Yan, and J.. Ye, New Journal of Physics 17, (2015).
M. Hummon
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1 M.. Yeo, M.T. Hummon, A.. Collopy, B.. Yan, B.. Hemmerling, E.. Chae, J.. Doyle, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 114, (2015).
1 B.K. Stuhl, M.T. Hummon, and J.. Ye, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 65, (2014).
1 A.M. Jayich, A.C. Vutha, M.T. Hummon, J.V. Porto, and W.C. Campbell, Physical Review A 89, (2014).
1 M.T. Hummon, M.. Yeo, B.K. Stuhl, A.. Collopy, Y.. Xia, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 110, (2013).
1 B.K. Stuhl, M.. Yeo, M.T. Hummon, and J.. Ye, Molecular Physics (2013).
1 B.K. Stuhl, M.. Yeo, B.C. Sawyer, M.T. Hummon, and J.. Ye, Physical Review A 85, (2012).
1 B.K. Stuhl, M.T. Hummon, M.. Yeo, G.. Quéméner, J.L. Bohn, and J.. Ye, Nature 492, (2012).
1 B.C. Sawyer, B.K. Stuhl, M.. Yeo, T.V. Tscherbul, M.T. Hummon, Y.. Xia, J.. Kłos, D.. Patterson, J.. Doyle, and J.. Ye, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13, (2011).