1 R.J. Wild, P.. Makotyn, J.M. Pino, E.A. Cornell, and D.S. Jin, Physical Review Letters 108, (2012).
R. Wild
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1 R.J. Wild, Contact Measurements on a Strongly Interacting Bose Gas, University of Colorado Boulder, 2012.
1 J.M. Pino, R.J. Wild, P.. Makotyn, D.S. Jin, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review A 83, (2011).
1 J.M. Pino, R.J. Wild, S.B. Papp, S.. Ronen, D.S. Jin, and E.A. Cornell, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Storrs, Connecticut, USASingapore, 2009).
1 S.B. Papp, J.M. Pino, R.J. Wild, S.. Ronen, C.E. Wieman, D.S. Jin, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 101, (2008).
1 J.M. Obrecht, R.J. Wild, M.. Antezza, L.. Pitaevskii, S.. Stringari, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 98, (2007).
1 J.M. Obrecht, R.J. Wild, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review A 75, (2007).