R. Sandberg

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1 K.S. Raines, S.. Salha, R.L. Sandberg, H.. Jiang, J.A. Rodriguez, B.P. Fahimian, H.. Kapteyn, J.. Du, and J.. Miao, Nature 463, (2010).
1 D.A. Raymondson, R.L. Sandberg, W.F. Schlotter, K.S. Raines, C.. La-O-Vorakiat, E.. Townsend, A.E. Sakdinawat, A.J. Paul, J.. Miao, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, in Unknown (SPIE, San Jose, CA, 2009).
1 R.L. Sandberg, D.A. Raymondson, C.. La-O-Vorakiat, A.J. Paul, K.S. Raines, J.. Miao, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and W.F. Schlotter, Optics Letters 34, (2009).
1 R.L. Sandberg, Closing the Gap to the Diffraction Limit: Near Wavelength Limited Tabletop Soft X-Ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging, University of Colorado Boulder, 2009.
1 A.L. Lytle, X.. Zhang, R.L. Sandberg, O.. Cohen, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, Optics Express 16, (2008).
1 R.L. Sandberg, C.. Song, P.W. Wachulak, D.A. Raymondson, A.J. Paul, B.. Amirbekian, E.. Lee, A.E. Sakdinawat, C.. La-O-Vorakiat, M.C. Marconi, C.S. Menoni, M.. Murnane, J.J. Rocca, H.. Kapteyn, and J.. Miao, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, (2008).
1 R.L. Sandberg, A.J. Paul, D.A. Raymondson, S.. Hädrich, D.M. Gaudiosi, J.. Holtsnider, R.I. Tobey, O.. Cohen, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, C.. Song, J.. Miao, Y.. Liu, and F.. Salmassi, Physical Review Letters 99, (2007).