Yanwei Liu

First name
Last name
1 T.. Rohwer, S.. Hellmann, M.. Wiesenmayer, C.. Sohrt, A.. Stange, B.. Slomski, A.V. Carr, Y.. Liu, L.M. Avila, M.. Kalläne, S.. Mathias, L.. Kipp, K.. Rossnagel, and M.. Bauer, Nature 471, (2011).
1 R.L. Sandberg, A.J. Paul, D.A. Raymondson, S.. Hädrich, D.M. Gaudiosi, J.. Holtsnider, R.I. Tobey, O.. Cohen, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, C.. Song, J.. Miao, Y.. Liu, and F.. Salmassi, Physical Review Letters 99, (2007).
1 X.. Zhang, D.A. Raymondson, A.S. Sandhu, S.. Backus, Y.. Liu, D.T. Attwood, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and A.R. Libertun, in Unknown (SPIE, Denver, CO, 2004).
1 Y.. Liu, D.T. Attwood, J.J. Rocca, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, in Unknown (AIP, Aspen, Colorado (USA), 2002).
1 R.A. Bartels, A.J. Paul, H.. Green, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, S.. Backus, I.. Christov, Y.. Liu, D.T. Attwood, and C.. Jacobsen, Science 297, (2002).