Seminars & Courses

Nesbitt Group Seminar

The Nesbitt group meets for highly interactive weekly seminar opportunities to discuss recent progress on research, pedagogical talks, and papers in the literature. Anyone interested is welcome to attend! The time and place for these seminars may vary semester to semester, but currently is JILA X590 on Thursdays from 4:00 - 5:30 PM.

Current Course:

CHEM 5581: Introductory Quantum Chemistry

Course Description: Lecture: Basic principles and techniques of quantum mechanics with applications to questions of chemical interest. Quantum dynamics of atoms, molecules, and spin; electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Prerequisites: Two semesters of physical chemistry and graduate standing, or instructor consent. Restricted to Graduate Students only.

Recent Courses:

CHEM 5541: Chemical Dynamics

CHEM 5511: Mathematical Methods in Chemical Physics

There are also opportunities throughout the year for students and postdocs interested in other educational activities and science outreach.