Research Interests
Professor Nesbitt is interested in laser spectroscopy, dynamics, and kinetics of fundamental molecular, bio-molecular, and nanoparticle systems, studied at either the quantum state-to-state or single molecule level.
BA Chemistry and Physics, Harvard University, 1975; Teacher (math, physics, and chemistry), Colorado Academy, Denver, 1975-77; PhD, Chemical Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1981; National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, National Bureau of Standards, 1981-82; Miller Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1982-84; American Chemical Society Nobel Laureate Signature Award, 1983 (with S. R. Leone and J. T. Hynes); Dreyfus Foundation Grant for Newly Appointed Faculty in Chemistry, 1984; Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1987; Wilson Prize Lecture, 1989; American Physical Society Fellow, 1991; Arthur S. Fleming Award for Government Service, 1991; Department of Commerce Silver Medal, 1992; Edward Uhler Condon Award (National Institute for Standards and Technology), 1995; Earle K. Plyler Prize (American Physical Society) 1997; William F. Meggers Award (Optical Society of America), 1999; Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, 1999-present; Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, 1999; Bourke Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Division, 2002; Senior Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2005-present; Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), 2005; Presidential Rank Award, 2009; Fellow of the American Chemistry Society, 2010-present; Fellow of JILA.