
The Nesbitt Group routinely has openings for postdoctoral associates and graduate students. In addition, the Nesbitt group also has traditionally made undergraduate research opportunities available for especially motivated and independent students.

Postdoctoral Positions available at JILA, Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder

Description: The selected candidate(s) will work with David Nesbitt and his research group, and will also have the opportunity to interact with other chemical/biophysical experimental and theoretical groups at NIST, JILA and the Chemistry and Physics department. There are project openings for highly motivated and suitably trained candidates in the following areas.

1) High resolution infrared laser spectroscopy of jet cooled high reactive chemical transient species of critical importance in combustion, atmospheric and interstellar chemistry.

 2) State resolved molecular collision dynamics at the gas-liquid interface, with special emphasis on chemical reaction, energy transfer and solvation dynamics with room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), molten metals, self assembled monolayers (SAMs), and liquid microjets.

 3) Ultrafast laser studies of plasmonic/fluorescence dynamics in nanostructures (Au, Cu, Ag), nanocrystal quantum dots and other mesoscale materials, exploiting novel combinations of multiphoton electron photoemission microscopy (SPIM), velocity map imaging (VMI) and time correlated single photon counting capabilities.

  4) Single molecule studies of RNA/DNA/protein conformational dynamics, exploiting state-of-the-art ultrafast confocal laser microscopy and polarization/color/arrival time sorted single photon counting methods. 

Postdoctoral positions in one or more of the above areas are currently available. Completed applications submitted will be considered until the position is filled.

Those interested in applying should download and complete the application form available at http://jila.colorado.edu/students-postdocs/postdocs, and send it (along with the requested supporting materials) to the Visiting Scientists Program Assistant. Initially, an unofficial copy of your graduate record is adequate. Three letters of recommendation are required.

Information on JILA Postdoctoral Associate Positions:

Postdoctoral Associate Positions at JILA:

Information and Application Forms
Postdoctoral applicants who are U.S. citizens can also apply for competitively awarded National Research Council Fellowships  to work in the Nesbitt group through the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Application materials and information can be obtained either via the NIST/NRC website or by contacting Dr. Claire M. Saundry, (301) 975-2386.

Dr. Nesbitt is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and therefore postdoctoral applicants who are German or Swiss citizens can also apply to the Humboldt Foundation for financial support to work in the Nesbitt labs.

Also, please visit the JILA Postdoctoral Research page for more information.

University PhD Program Information

Relevant graduate PhD programs at the University of Colorado and Department Hompages:
Chemistry and Biochemistry
BioFrontiers Institute
Interdisciplinary Physical Sciences
Chemical/Optical/Physical Sciences Program
CU Chemistry Graduate School/Applications
Graduate School