JILA Science Publications

Displaying 101 - 138 of 138


Dynamics of an optical ring circuit having photorefractive gain and loss and history-dependent feedback
David Crouch, Dana Anderson, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 8, 1315 (1991).
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Mode multiplexing and holographic demultiplexing communication channels on a multimode fiber
M. Saffman, Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 16, 300 (1991).
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Model for second-harmonic generation in glass optical fibers based on asymmetric photoelectron emission from defect sites
Dana Anderson, V. Mizrahi, J. Sipe, Optics Letters 16, 796 (1991).
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Multiple scattering of light within two-dimensional volume holograms
M. O'Callaghan, Dana Anderson, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 8, 1425 (1991).
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Photorefractive flip-flop
Dana Anderson, C. Benkert, Beth Chorbajian, A. Hermanns, Optics Letters 16, 250 (1991).
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Self-organizing photorefractive frequency demultiplexer
M. Saffman, C. Benkert, Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 16, 1993 (1991).
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SPIE Proceedings: Model of second-harmonic generation in glass fibers based on multiphoton ionization interference effects
Dana Anderson, V. Mizrahi, J. Sipe, SPIE , (1991).
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Photorefractive systems and the elements of decision making
Dana Anderson, C. Benkert, David Crouch, , (1991).
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Gravitationally induced pulsing of a resonator with two phase-conjugating mirrors and an injected signal
Dana Anderson, R. Saxena, Mark Cronin-Golomb, Physical Review A 42, 3142-3144 (1990).
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Theory of bistability and self pulsing in a ring resonator with saturable photorefractive gain and loss
D. Lininger, David Crouch, Peter Martin, Dana Anderson, Optics Communications 76, 89-96 (1990).
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Competitive and cooperative dynamics in nonlinear optical circuits
Dana Anderson, An introduction to neural and electronic networks , 349-362 (1990).
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Competitive And Cooperative Dynamics In Photorefractive Optical Systems
Dana Anderson, C. Benkert, A. Hermanns, IEEE , (1990).
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Stabilization of laser beam alignment to an optical resonator by heterodyne detection of off-axis modes
Nicholas Sampas, Dana Anderson, Applied Optics 29, 394 (1990).
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Bistable ring resonator utilizing saturable photorefractive gain and loss
D. Lininger, Peter Martin, Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 14, 697 (1989).
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Optical novelty filters
Dana Anderson, J. Feinberg, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 25, 635-647 (1989).
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Nonlinear Optical Neural Networks: Dynamic Ring Oscillators
Dana Anderson, Rolf Eckmiller, Christoph Malsburg, , 417-424 (1989).
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Optical systems that imitate human memory
Dana Anderson, Computers in Physics 3, 18-25 (1989).
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Theory of Bistability and Self-Pulsing in an Optical Ring Circuit Having Saturable Photorefractive Gain, Loss, and Photorefractive Feedback
David Crouch, D. Lininger, Dana Anderson, unknown , 483-487 (1989).
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Effects of an applied field on the steady state characteristics of a unidirectional photorefractive ring oscillator
R. Saxena, Dana Anderson, Optics Communications 66, 172-178 (1988).
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Material Demands for Optical Neural Networks
Dana Anderson, MRS Bulletin 13, 30-35 (1988).
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SPIE Proceedings: Spatial Light Modulators For Optical Neuromorphs
M. O'Callaghan, Dana Anderson, SPIE , (1988).
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Resonator Memories And Optical Novelty Filters
Dana Anderson, MC Erie, Optical Engineering 26, 434 (1987).
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Neural networks in continuous optical media (A)
Dana Anderson, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 4, (1987).
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Optical resonators, mode competition, and associative memory
Dana Anderson, Optics News 13, 16 (1987).
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Optical tracking novelty filter
Dana Anderson, D. Lininger, J. Feinberg, Optics Letters 12, 123 (1987).
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Theory of multimode operation of a unidirectional ring oscillator having photorefractive gain: weak-field limit
Dana Anderson, R. Saxena, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 4, 164 (1987).
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Dynamic optical interconnects: volume holograms as optical two-port operators
Dana Anderson, D. Lininger, Applied Optics 26, 5031 (1987).
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Optical Gyroscopes
Dana Anderson, Scientific American 254, 94-99 (1986).
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Rotation, gyroscopes and general relativity
Dana Anderson, Laser Topics 7, (1986).
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Coherent optical eigenstate memory
Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 11, 56 (1986).
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Double phase-conjugating resonator in a gravitational field (A)
Dana Anderson, R. Saxena, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3, P128 (1986).
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Nonlinear optics and connection machines (A)
Dana Anderson, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3, P10 (1986).
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Optical resonators and neural networks
Dana Anderson, , (1986).
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Optical resonators and neural networks
Dana Anderson, AIP 151, 12-16 (1986).
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SPIE Proceedings Invited Paper: Optical Resonators For Associative Memory
Dana Anderson, Pochi Yeh, SPIE , (1986).
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Canceling beam deflection in an acousto-optic frequency shifter using a self-pumped phase conjugating mirror
Mark Cronin-Golomb, Dana Anderson, Applied Physics Letters 47, 346 (1985).
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Coupled resonators employing phase-conjugating and ordinary mirrors
Dana Anderson, Optics Letters 9, 417 (1984).
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Mirror reflectometer based on optical cavity decay time
Dana Anderson, Josef Frisch, Carl Masser, Applied Optics 23, 1238 (1984).
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