
: Wizard Show

The group presented "Sink or Swim",an interactive show on buoyancy with experiments, at the CU Wizards Show for kids.

: Graduate Student Maddie Klumb joins the lab.

Maddie Klumb joins the group as a graduate student.

: Graduate Student Madison Foreman wins Rao Prize

Madison Foreman won the Rao Prize 2022, for one of the top three talks presented by a graduate student at the 75th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (held in June 2022 in Urbana-Champaign, IL). Congratulations!

: Visiting Student Anne Pilgaard Rasmussen joins the group.

Visiting Student Anne Pilgaard Rasmussen from Aarhus University in Denmark joins the group for three months.

: Graduate Student Madison Foreman gives Hot Topic Talk at the Gordon Conference on Molecular & Ionic Clusters

Madison Foreman gives an invited presentation at the Gordon Conference on Molecular & Ionic Clusters in Barga, Italy.

: Graduate Student Lane Terry joins the lab

Graduate Student Lane Terry joins the lab.

: Graduate Student River Leversee starts DOE SSGF.

Graduate Student River Leversee joins the lab. He won a prestigious Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Energy. River will be working on the properties of materials under high pressure.

: Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy – Pushing gas phase spectroscopy to complex molecules
Cryogenic Ion Trap illustration.

Building on the successes of gas phase molecular spectroscopy of small molecules, we are pushing towards ever larger and more complex target systems (see list of project areas below) by using electrospray ionization to prepare complex molecules from solutions.

: Lock and Key - Molecular Receptors
Chloride ion (green) bound to a molecular receptor

Together with graduate students Lane Terry and Maddie Klumb, Fellow Mathias Weber studies how ions are selectively bound to molecular receptors.

: The Molecule that Makes Jellyfish Glow
Chromophore image.

The molecule HBDI is the “chromophore” that gives green fluorescent protein in jellyfish its glow. Together with Visiting Fellow Prof. Jan Verlet (Durham University, UK), graduate students Wyatt Zagorec-Marks and Madison Foreman from the Weber Group examined the photophysics of this molecule and found that the environment—down to a single water molecule—surrounding it can greatly influence its behavior.

: Graduate student Heinrich Salzmann joins the lab

Graduate student Heinrich Salzmann joins the lab.

: Graduate student Curtis Beimborn becomes chief of JILA's Keck Lab

Graduate student Curtis Beimborn graduates with a PhD and changes jobs, becoming the chief of the JILA Keck Lab. Congratulations!

: Wyatt Zagorec-Marks gives a Hot Topic Talk at the Gordon Conference on Molecular & Ionic Clusters

Wyatt Zagorec-Marks gives a Hot Topic Talk at the Gordon Conference on Molecular & Ionic Clusters in Ventura, CA.

: Undergraduate Student Kenneth Wilson graduates summa cum laude

Undergraduate Student Kenneth Wilson graduates summa cum laude. Congratulations!

: Prof. Jan R. R. Verlet from Durham University (UK) visits the Weber group and JILA as a Visiting Fellow

Prof. Jan R. R. Verlet from Durham University (UK) visits the Weber group and JILA as a Visiting Fellow.

: Mathias is promoted to Full Professor

Mathias Weber is promoted to Full Professor. A big thank you to all who helped build our group's success over the years!

: Dr. Leah Dodson starts her own research group at the University of Maryland

Dr. Leah Dodson starts her own research group at the University of Maryland. Congratulations, and best of success!

: Graduate students Madison Foreman and Rebecca Hirsch join the group

Graduate students Madison Foreman and Rebecca Hirsch join the group.

: Leah Dodson Wins 2017 Miller Prize
Leah Dodson photograph.

Leah Dodson won the Miller Prize at the 72nd International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, held June 19–23 in Urbana, Illinois. Dodson is an NRC postdoc whose official advisor is Jun Ye, but who primarily works on molecular spectroscopy in the Mathias Weber lab. Her award-winning talk was entitled “Oxalate Formation in Titanium––Carbon Dioxide Anionic Clusters Studied by Infrared Photodissociation Spectroscopy.”