Lukin Yelin

Theo Lukin Yelin

Theo joined the Kaufman group after completing a degree in Physics and Computer Science at Harvard University. After taking a year to work in Cybersecurity research and development after graduating, he decided fighting fundamental forces of nature was more fun than fighting hackers. During his undergraduate studies, he worked with professor Markus Greiner and the Atom Array lab on his thesis project to use a combination of AOMs and SLMs to enable ultra-fast phase-stable pattern generation for laser light. As part of this, he also developed novel algorithms for generating phase-controlled holograms. After spending so much of his life working with Rubidium atoms, Theo is excited to add a proton (and electron) and join the Strontium experiment, to use his knowledge of optical control to help push the limits of quantum many body physics and metrology.

Theo Lukin Yelin