JILA Science Publications

Displaying 101 - 129 of 129


Critical temperature of a trapped Bose gas: Mean-field theory and fluctuations
M. Houbiers, H. Stoof, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 56, 2041-2045 (1997).
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The creation and study of Bose-Einstein condensation in a cold alkali vapor
Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Deborah Jin, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, C. Myatt, E. Burt, R. Ghrist, M. Reynolds, , 132-144 (1997).
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Coherence, Correlations, and Collisions: What One Learns about Bose-Einstein Condensates from Their Decay
E. Burt, R. Ghrist, C. Myatt, Murray Holland, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 79, 337-340 (1997).
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Optical-dipole-force fiber guiding and heating of atoms
M. Renn, A. Zozulya, E. Donley, Eric Cornell, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 55, 3684-3696 (1997).
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Temperature-Dependent Damping and Frequency Shifts in Collective Excitations of a Dilute Bose-Einstein Condensate
Deborah Jin, M. Matthews, J. Ensher, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 78, 764-767 (1997).
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Bose-Einstein condensation in a cold vapour
Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, unknown , (1997).
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External radiative quantum efficiency of 96% from a GaAs / GaInP heterostructure
H. Gauck, T. Gfroerer, M. Renn, Eric Cornell, K. Bertness, Applied Physics A: Materials Science \& Processing 64, 143-147 (1997).
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Production of Two Overlapping Bose-Einstein Condensates by Sympathetic Cooling
C. Myatt, E. Burt, R. Ghrist, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 78, 586-589 (1997).
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Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Gas: Measurement of Energy and Ground-State Occupation
J. Ensher, Deborah Jin, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 77, 4984-4987 (1996).
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Low-Velocity Intense Source of Atoms from a Magneto-optical Trap
Z. Lu, Kristan Corwin, M. Renn, M. Anderson, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 77, 3331-3334 (1996).
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Very Cold Indeed: The Nanokelvin Physics of Bose-Einstein Condensation
Eric Cornell, Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 101, (1996).
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Quantitative studies of Bose-Einstein condensation in a dilute atomic vapor
Deborah Jin, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 3070-3076 (1996).
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Evanescent-wave guiding of atoms in hollow optical fibers
M. Renn, E. Donley, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Dana Anderson, Physical Review A 53, R648 - R651 (1996).
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Collective Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Dilute Gas
Deborah Jin, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 77, 420-423 (1996).
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Evidence for Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Atomic Vapor
M Anderson, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Proc Laser Spectroscopy XII International Conference , (1996).
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Laser-Guided Atoms in Hollow-Core Optical Fibers
M. Renn, D. Montgomery, O. Vdovin, Dana Anderson, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 75, 3253-3256 (1995).
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Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Atomic Vapor
M. Anderson, J. Ensher, M. Matthews, Carl Wieman, Eric Cornell, Science 269, 198-201 (1995).
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Stable, Tightly Confining Magnetic Trap for Evaporative Cooling of Neutral Atoms
W. Petrich, M. Anderson, J. Ensher, Eric Cornell, Physical Review Letters 74, 3352-3355 (1995).
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Gravitational Sisyphus Cooling of 87Rb in a Magnetic Trap
Nathan Newbury, C. Myatt, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 74, 2196-2199 (1995).
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Bose-Einstein Condensation
Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, Physics News in 1995 , 10-12 (1995).
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Comment on a "Dynamic Electric Trap for Ground-State Atoms"
Eric Cornell, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 30, 439-440 (1995).
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Reduction of light-assisted collisional loss rate from a low-pressure vapor-cell trap
M. Anderson, W. Petrich, J. Ensher, Eric Cornell, Physical Review A 50, R3597 - R3600 (1994).
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Behavior of atoms in a compressed magneto-optical trap
W. Petrich, M. Anderson, J. Ensher, Eric Cornell, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 11, 1332 (1994).
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A magnetic suspension system for atoms and bar magnets
C. Sackett, Eric Cornell, C. Monroe, Carl Wieman, American Journal of Physics 61, 304 (1993).
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Measurement of Cs-Cs elastic scattering at T=30 μK
C. Monroe, Eric Cornell, C. Sackett, C. Myatt, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 70, 414-417 (1993).
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The low (temperature) road toward Bose-Einstein condensation in optically and magnetically trapped cesium atoms
C. Monroe, Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman, unknown , (1993).
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Two ions in a Penning trap: Implications for precision mass spectroscopy
Eric Cornell, Kevin Boyce, Deborah Fygenson, D. Pritchard, Physical Review A 45, 3049-3059 (1992).
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Fundamental physics with optically trapped atoms
Carl Wieman, C. Monroe, Eric Cornell, unknown , (1992).
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Multiply loaded, ac magnetic trap for neutral atoms
Eric Cornell, C. Monroe, Carl Wieman, Physical Review Letters 67, 2439-2442 (1991).
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