JILA Science Seminar

JILA Science Talk with Dr. Tobias Donner


Dissipative crystals of matter and light - from self-oscillating pumps to dissipation-stabilized phases The time evolution of a driven quantum many-body system can be strongly affected by dissipation. Although this mainly implies that the system relaxes to a steady state, in some cases it can lead to the appearance of new phases and trigger emergent dynamics. I will report on experiments where we dispersively couple a quantum gas to an optical cavity.

Exploring strongly correlated quantum matter using cavity quantum electrodynamics


Abstract: Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) is one of the most powerful framework to observe and leverage quantum phenomena. While it has been thoroughly studied for simple quantum systems such as two-level systems or harmonic oscillators, it has only recently become available for complex, correlated quantum many-body systems. In the last five years, we have developed systems combining cavity QED with ultra-cold Fermi gases [1].