JILA Science Seminar

Manipulating and Measuring States of an Optomechanical Resonator in the Quantum Regime



What is the largest and most tangible object to reveal purely quantum phenomena?
Macroscopic mechanical devices in the quantum regime can play a crucial role in
quantum communication, quantum sensing, and fundamental tests of quantum
mechanics. In this talk, I will describe my recent progress toward manipulating a
nanogram mechanical resonator in the quantum regime. The mechanical resonator
is the density wave of superfluid helium-4 confined in a fiber cavity. The light as a

Competing interactions in dipolar erbium atoms


Ultracold magnetic atoms exhibit short-range contact interactions together with longrange
dipole-dipole interactions. The competition between these two interactions
gives rise to various quantum phases [1], where the usually dominant mean-field
interactions are small and the system is governed by quantum fluctuations [2].
In this talk, I will first report on the study of a supersolid state and its excitation
spectrum [3]. In such a state, two symmetries are spontaneously broken: the gauge

Many-body phases in ultracold dipolar gases: novel quantum mixtures and supersolidity


In the past decades, ultracold atomic gases revealed to be an ideal platform for simulating quantum phenomena thanks to the ability to tune the inter-particle interactions, the geometry of the system, and the possibility of adding complexity in a controlled way. Recently, ultracold gases made of magnetic atoms brought the discovery of exotic states of matter arising from long-range and anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions, such as liquid-like self-bound droplets and supersolid states [1].

EUV-based Semiconductor Metrology for Dimensional and Materials Scaling


Abstract: Dimensional and materials scaling are two key drivers for advancing computational capabilities beyond the conventional scaling trends of the last several decades. Future device metrology solutions must be developed now without clarity as to which combinations of proposed architecture(s) and novel materials will prove best suited for integration into high-volume manufacturing. This presentation briefly reviews these possible pairings and the near-term and long-term metrology challenges as identified in the IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems.

Ultrafast lasers based on Cr2+-doped ZnS and ZnSe


Abstract: The advent of femtosecond Ti:Sapphire lasers has enabled transformative advances in high field nonlinear optics and intense laser-matter interaction physics. Theories predict that many high field phenomena such as high harmonic generation favor middle IR laser wavelengths in terms of extending the high energy cutoff. The invention of middle IR Cr2+-doped ZnS and ZnSe lasers in the 1996s by the research team of William Krupke at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has coincided with an explosive progress of ultrafast Ti:Sapphire laser technology.

A dissipative quantum simulator of lasing dynamics at the few quanta level


Abstract: I will present our trapped-ion system with engineered competing dissipation channels, implemented independently on two ions of different specied co-trapped in the same potential well. We explore the phase diagram of the system, which is analogous to that of a (phonon) laser by precise control of the spin-oscillator couplings and the dissipative channels.