Controlling rotationally-resolved two-dimensional infrared spectra with polarization

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Grzegorz Kowzan / Stony Brook University & Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Event Details & Abstracts


Recent developments in cavity enhancement [1] and multiheterodyne 
detection [2] of ultrafast nonlinear signals using optical frequency 
combs are poised to enable broadband, high-resolution and highly 
sensitive 2D IR spectroscopy of gas-phase samples. In 2D IR spectroscopy 
of coupled vibrational modes diagonal or off-diagonal peaks can be 
suppressed with specific polarization conditions [3]. In the gas phase 
molecules rotate freely and rotational eigenstates produce new diagonal 
and off-diagonal peaks. Here, we present simulations of gas-phase 
rotationally-resolved spectra of the nu3 mode of methyl chloride and the 
vibrational mode of carbon monoxide and demonstrate how rotational-state 
patterns can be controlled using polarization. Presented polarization 
conditions will help mitigate spectral congestion and enable new 
applications in studying complex mixtures of gas-phase samples.

[1] Allison, T. K. Cavity-enhanced ultrafast two-dimensional 
spectroscopy using higher order modes. J. Phys. B: At., Mol. Opt. Phys. 
50, 044004 (2017)
[2] Lomsadze, B. & Cundiff, S. T. Frequency combs enable rapid and 
high-resolution multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. Science 357, 
1389–1391 (2017).
[3] Zanni, M. T., Ge, N.-H., Kim, Y. S., Hochstrasser, R. M. 
Two-dimensional IR spectroscopy can be designed to eliminate the 
diagonal peaks and expose only the crosspeaks needed for structure 
determination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98, 11265–11270 (2001).