Quantum-chemical calculations for ultracold scattering experiments

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Michal Tomza / U. Warsaw
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Event Details & Abstracts


I will present how electronic structure and scattering dynamics
quantum-chemical calculations can support and explain ultracold
quantum physics experiments. I will discuss the capabilities and
limits of present methods applied to systems based on alkali-metal and
alkaline-earth-metal atoms. Finally, show our results related to
hybrid systems of laser-cooled trapped ions and ultracold atoms
combined in a single experimental setup. I will present how, in
collaboration with experimental groups of Rene Gerristma in Amsterdam
and Tobias Schaetz in Freiburg, we have overcome the micromotion
limitation, reached the quantum regime of ion-atom collisions, and
demonstrated the quantum control of ultracold ion-atom collisions, all
for the first time.