Physics Department Colloquium

Many-body physics with ultracold gases of atoms and molecules


Abstract: Understanding emergent behaviors in strongly interacting quantum systems is a frontier area of condensed matter physics. However, simulations of quantum many-body systems on classical computers are not scalable beyond a few dozen particles. This motivates the development of quantum simulators, highly controllable analog quantum computers specifically designed to study certain types of problems in condensed matter physics.

Quantum spacetime and quantum information


Abstract: How quantum mechanics governs space, time and gravity is a longstanding mystery. Inspired by properties of black holes, recent progress has been made relating quantum spacetime to properties of quantum information and quantum computation such as entanglement entropy, computational complexity and quantum error-correcting codes. I will review some of these developments and discuss some of my own work on geometric realizations of measures of entanglement.





Due to unforeseen events, the Physics Colloquium for October 12, 2022 has been cancelled.


Coffee, tea and cookies will be available in G1B31 (across from G1B20) from 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.

Physics Colloquia are held Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in the JILA Auditorium.

From BEC to CEO


Abstract: Can a PhD at CU Physics prepare you to start a company? Can a Post-Doc at NIST be the ticket to entrepreneurship? While the subject of research at these institutions may not be directly applicable to industrial problems—in my case, Bose-Einstein Condensation and quantum computing— the skill sets and tools you develop are on the critical path in preparing you to succeed in high-tech industry and even in starting a company.

Geometric frustration, self-assembly, mechanics, and pathways to complexity


Abstract: Self-organized complex structures in nature, from hierarchical biopolymers to viral capsids and organisms, offer efficiency, adaptability, robustness, and multifunctionality.  How are these structures assembled? Can we understand the fundamental principles behind their formation, and assemble similar structures in the lab using simple inorganic building blocks?  What’s the purpose of these complex structures in nature, and can we utilize similar mechanisms to program new functions in metamaterials?

Planetary dynamos and the dynamics of rotating, electrically conducting fluids


Abstract: Planetary magnetic fields are ubiquitous in the Solar System. These fields are generated by the motion of an electrically conducting fluid within the interiors of the planets. For the Earth, turbulence in the liquid iron outer core has sustained the geomagnetic field for at least 4 billion years. Similar turbulent fluid systems are present in most planets, as well as stars. These flows are thought to be strongly influenced by system rotation (i.e.

Time-of-flight quantum tomography of single atom motion in an optical tweezer


Abstract: Quantum control of mechanical motion has been achieved in a surprising range of platforms in the past decades. These mechanical quantum systems have both piqued the curiosity of physicists, and enabled new approaches to difficult tasks in manipulating quantum information. Trapped particles offer one opportunity to study isolated quantum motion. Laser-cooled ions routinely demonstrate intriguing phonon control, and recent experiments have now brought trapped dielectric nanoparticles to their quantum ground state.