Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Rethinking Black Hole Accretion Discs
1 G.. Salvesen, Rethinking Black Hole Accretion Discs, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
The Evolutionary Pathways of Tidal Disruption Events: from Stars to Debris Streams, Accretion Disks, and Relativistic Jets
1 E.R. Coughlin, The Evolutionary Pathways of Tidal Disruption Events: From Stars to Debris Streams, Accretion Disks, and Relativistic Jets, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016.
Causality and Communication: Relativistic astrophysical jets and the implementation of science communication training in astronomy classes
1 S.J. Kohler, Causality and Communication: Relativistic Astrophysical Jets and the Implementation of Science Communication Training in Astronomy Classes, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Beams, Bursts, Bubbles, and Bullets: Relativistic Outflows in Astrophysics
1 S.. Heinz, Beams, Bursts, Bubbles, and Bullets: Relativistic Outflows in Astrophysics, University of Colorado Boulder, 2000.
Self Consistent Accretion Disk Corona Models: Application to Black Hole Candidates
1 J.B. Dove, Self Consistent Accretion Disk Corona Models: Application to Black Hole Candidates, University of Colorado Boulder, 1997.
Studies in Radiation Hydrodynamics
1 N.. Arav, Studies in Radiation Hydrodynamics, University of Colorado Boulder, 1994.
Aspects of Relativistic MHD Wind Theory
1 Z.-Y.. Li, Aspects of Relativistic MHD Wind Theory, University of Colorado Boulder, 1993.
Photohydrodynamical Processes near Compact Objects
1 P.A. Becker, Photohydrodynamical Processes Near Compact Objects, University of Colorado Boulder, 1987.