Inside Astronomically Realistic Black Holes

  1. Title
  2. Waterfall model of a Schwarzschild Black Hole
  3. Oppenheimer-Snyder (1939) collapse of a uniform pressureless star
  4. Collapse of a thin shell on to a black hole
  5. The singularity is not a point
  6. The singularity is a surface, not a point, Part 2
  7. Waterfall model of a rotating Black Hole
  8. Antiverse and Sisytube of a Kerr Black Hole
  9. Waterfall model of a charged Black Hole
  10. Mass inflation
  11. How to make a baby universe
  12. The DNA of the Universe
  13. Extreme energy collision
  14. Supermassive black holes are the mothers
  15. Spectrum of Hawking radiation at the inner horizon
  16. Movie

Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University, 16 May 2024