Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Spring 2005 ASTR 2030 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

 schedule Spring 2005 ASTR 2030 Black Holes: Timetable

Week Topic Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Th Prologue Jan 10
Jan 12
A Vogage Among the Holes
Jan 14
A Vogage Among the Holes
2 Th 1
Special Relativity
Jan 17
Martin Luther King day
No classes
Jan 19
Jan 21
Spacetime diagrams
3 Jan 24
Time dilation, Lorentz contraction
Jan 26
What things actually look like at relativistic speeds
5pm Wed Jan 26: Last moment to drop for free
Jan 28
In class Project 1: Twin Paradox
4 Jan 31
Spacetime Wheel
Tue Feb 1
Homework 1 Help Session 6-7pm Duane G1B30
Feb 2
Review Session
Homework 1 due in class: Draw a Relativistic Scene
Feb 4
5 Th 2, 3, 6, 7
General Relativity, Black Holes
Feb 7
Falling into a Black Hole
Feb 9
River Model of BHs
Feb 11
In class Project 2: River Model
6 Feb 14
Schwarzschild geometry
Feb 16
Wormholes, White Holes
Feb 18
Principle of Equivalence
7 Feb 21
In class Project 3: Andromeda: Under the Night
Feb 23
Review Session
Feb 25
8 How to script a movie
Read Th 4 in preparation for Project 4
Feb 28
Mar 2
"Walt Disney's The Black Hole"
Mar 4
In class Project 4: The Mystery of White Dwarfs
Midterm Goals
9 Th 4, 5
White dwarfs, Neutron stars
Mar 7
Stellar evolution, White Dwarfs
Mar 9
Prof. Rosalba Perna: "Gamma Ray Bursts"
Mar 11
Neutron stars, Supernovae
10 Th 8, 9
X-ray Binaries, Active Galactic Nuclei
Mar 14
Accretion disks, jets
Census of known BHs
Tue Mar 15
Homework 2 Help Session 6-7pm Duane G1B30
Mar 16
Supermassive BHs
Homework 2 due in class: Black Hole Threatens Earth
Mar 18
Video: Black Holes: The Ultimate Abyss
11   Spring Break
12 Th 8, 9
X-ray Binaries, Active Galactic Nuclei
Mar 28
Fiske: "Black Holes 1"
Mar 30
Fiske: "Black Holes 2"
Apr 1
Charged BHs
13 Th 6, 7, 13, 14
Charged and Rotating Black Holes
Apr 4
Charged BHs
Tue Apr 5
Homework 3 Help Session 6-7pm Duane G1B30
Apr 6
Prof. Webster Cash "MAXIM"
Homework 3 due in class: Sagittario
Apr 8
Rotating BHs
14 Th 12
Black Holes Evaporate
Prof. Nick Gnedin
Apr 11
Hawking radiation
Apr 13 Apr 15
In class Project 5: Compact Binary
Big Bang
Apr 18
The Standard Model of Cosmology
Tue Apr 19
Homework 4 Help Session 6-7pm Duane G1B30
Apr 20
Homework 4 due in class: Hawking Effect
Apr 22
Final Goals
16 Review week Apr 25
Fiske: "Big Bang"
Apr 27
Review Session
Apr 29
Review Session
17 Finals week   THURSDAY May 5
7:30-10:30am Final

 Black Hole silhouetted against the Milky Way Spring 2005 ASTR 2030 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | books, movies | images

Updated 2005 Apr 25